Author [@DumDumPops4]

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Welcome, everyone. Today we have the lovely DumDumPops4

A big thank you to her for taking the time to answer these questions.

If you haven't read her books then please do. They're amazing...

Without further ado...


1. What inspired you to start writing?
BOOKS! When I was in grade school, I couldn't stop reading. Literally, it was the first thing I did when I woke up and the last thing I did before bed. The words always inspired me - all these crazy, amazing, unique adventures opened up my younger mind. And then at one point, I decided that was what I wanted to do - to inspire others through words. To open up new and exciting worlds for other people to explore. 

2. Did you have any writers' block along the way? how did you get past them?
Oh, all the time! Writer's block is tricky because there's always a deeper reason why the block is there. Maybe you're afraid you can't tell the story well enough, maybe you're not sure where the story goes next, maybe you simply don't want to write because the story is boring, etc. A lot of the time I sit down and ask myself, "well, WHY can't I write?" and then either address the problem or power through it. A lot of times it's just about powering through it.

3. Do you see yourself in any characters and why?
Absolutely! There are always little pieces of myself in characters, sometimes embarrassingly so. I think it's actually what helps me portray them in a way that makes them relatable. They, of course, have their own personalities and mannerisms and whatnot, but there are smaller pieces of them that I find in myself as well. 

4. How old are you?

5. How old were you when you started writing?
I was 10 when I first started writing, but 13 when I started posting online. 

6. Can you remember what you felt when you first started writing? what did you feel?

Writing has always been an adventure for me. There's a sense of joy, excitement, and fun while writing. Especially when I first started writing, I could not get the words down fast enough. 

7. What's your outside life like?
Busy! I work full time, so a lot of my writing is done on the weekends and after work. It's a bit hectic, but I make sure to find time to jot down a line or two. 

8. Where do you get your ideas from?
Everything, really. Something as simple as a normal conversation can lead my brain off on its own adventure. Sometimes dreams help piece together scenes for me, and occasionally I take a walk and find a new character walking with me. 

9. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
LOTS of reading - I'm always carrying a book everywhere. You never know when you'll have 30 seconds to read more! I play a lot of video games as well and get out to walk the trails when I can. 

10. What does your family think about your writing?
Oh gosh. They know I write online, but they don't know how to find me. And that's on purpose. My father is the type who would tell everyone he's ever known about my writing and that gives me anxiety. :)

11. What do you think makes a good story?
There are many elements that, when put together, create a good story. However, if I had to choose one over everything else, I'd say conflict. Your story can be the most unique, well-constructed piece you've ever written, but if there's no conflict, your readers aren't likely to be there for long. Conflict–internal or external–not only drives your character but drives the story. It adds an opportunity for development for your characters, and really encourages growth and drive overall. Conflict also helps make characters relatable. It is our human nature to empathize with those who are struggling or conflicted. As such, it really encourages your readers to root for your character. The readers want to see people succeed and introducing conflict is the first step into bringing a story from "eh," to "wow!".

12. What's your favourite genre?
I'm quite partial to fantasy, though I often write in multiple genres. A genre soup, if you will. 

13. Do you write on wattpad or do you use software (like Microsoft word)?

I go through phases, so I've tried everything. Word Processor (for those of us older folks), Microsoft Word, Google Docs. Right now I'm using Scrivener (which, if you're a plotter, unlike me, you should definitely check it out). I also use Google Docs for when I'm on the go. 

14. What's the hardest thing to write, for you and why?

Emotional scenes. I'm a very emotional person, and I have a tendency to connect on an emotional level with my characters. But when I'm writing an emotional scene, I have to slow down otherwise all the emotions begin to blur together and I think it's really important to pick an emotion your character is feeling that overshadows the others and let it guide you (and them) through the scene.  

15. Do you work on an outline or just go with the flow?

Flow. I'm a pantser almost 100%. If I make an outline, I will definitely go down another path. I just trust my characters to lead me where I need to go. Who knows what's going to happen in the story? I sure don't. 

16. Do you have anything specific you want to say to readers?

OMG HI! Thank you so much for being here! I would absolutely not be anywhere I am today without you. And I know I say that all the time, but it's 100% true. Every read, every comment, every PM keeps me inspired and keeps me going, especially on the harder days. So thank you for being here with me on this journey! It's always noticed and always appreciated.   

17. And lastly, Do you have any advice for new writers.

Wattpad is an amazing platform in that it allows you to share your work with a wonderful community. But, don't compare yourself to other writers. It's easy to say, and much harder to do. It's important that you don't let the numbers and the numbers of other people define or validate who you are as a writer.

 Consider the writing journey as a whole. Someone may have 100K reads, but they've been on the site for years and haven't posted anything in months. Likewise, someone else may have 100 reads, but they're only just starting. Other people's success does not negate your own. Don't let what others are doing stop you from writing. Keep going, keep going, keep going!


There you have it, don't forget to vote, comment and share. Also if you want a specific author to be interviewed then please let me know.

ALSO IF YOU WANT OTHER QUESTIONS, please send me a message or even comment them.

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