Most of the tables in the room are empty, but the few that are claimed are home to some grotesque looking people. At one table in the corner, is a little boy, a tired looking woman that looks to be about in her 40's, and a man whose face is absolutely mutilated except for his mouth. But the little boy is smiling and laughing as if he doesn't even notice.

Zayn must have noticed me staring, because he nods towards the family and says softly, "You'd think the boy would be scared. But in his mind, even though his dad's face is messed up, that man is still his daddy that he loves and he's just happy to be spending time with him. Kids just don't care about appearance when they love someone, it's a beautiful thing."

"It really is." I agree, nodding respectfully.

We begin walking towards the food counter. We each grab a tray, each tray holding a sandwich, a bag of apples, and a juice. It amuses me that the trays here remind me of our highschool lunches.

We sit down at a table far from everybody else's, and Zayn continues to talk, "That's one of the reasons why I love my job. You get to see people survive and continue to live, even when their situation makes living seem impossible. Some of the patients I've met are even more happy than normal people that aren't disabled at all seem. Having a temporary or permanent disability, and living through it, seems to make  people more grateful to be alive, and then those people live and learn to enjoy the little things in life, more so than those who take their health for granted. And when you focus on the little things, how can you not be happy?" He takes a bite out of his sandwich. 

I look at him and smile thoughtfully, "That's a sweet way to look at it."

"Well I've met people with awful disabilites that prevent them from doing so many things, but most of them are always smiling and cracking jokes despite it. Even some on their death beds are like that. And then you see other healthy people in their miserable lives, going to a job they hate everyday and going through the motions of being alive, but not actually living happily. It's just crazy, I might not be making any sense. But this job is enlightening. You get to experience many miracles, and see truly happy people." His eyes light up as he talks.

"No, you make sense. I can tell your very passionate about all of this." I observe, smiling, "I hope I have a job that I love one day."

"I hope you do too. There's no point picking a job that doesn't make you happy, or else you'll just be one of those miserable pricks I just described." He says and I laugh.

"How old are you anyways?" I ask.

"22. Still in medical school, but it's not far from here so they let me observe and help out." He answers, taking another bite out of his sandwich.

"Oh, I guess we're not the same age then. I'm 17."

"Ew. Still in highschool, eh?" He sighs and shakes his head, "I feel sorry for you. Highschool was the worst four years of my life."

"Why so?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"Let's just say I wasn't the skinnest kid. Sucked in sports, no girls liked me, most of the guys thought I was a bit of a nerd. Just not a good time. College is more of my scene."

"You a partier?" I ask lightly.

"Oh duh. I'm all about the party life." He jokes, "Nah though, I've always been kind of a nerd."

"I can tell. You give off that vibe."

"Thank you so much, kind stranger." He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

I laugh and then he narrows his eyes at me, "So basically I'm a nerd that likes to observe people and discuss the meaning of life, and I'm passionate about my job here. Enough about me, let's talk about you." He leans forward dramatically, folding his hands and smiling playfully, "What are you passionate about, Madison Kelly?"

I giggle, "Um, well, I guess I like to sing, and read, and draw. Mostly sing. I'm nothing unique or extroidinary."

"You seem interesting enough. Ooh here's a topic. What'd you do to get these bruises on your face? And the cast on your arm?" He asks casually. 

My smile is soon gone and I sigh, "I feel like you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

He shrugs, "Try me."

I sigh again, "In simple terms, my brother tried to murder my boyfriend, and I got these injuries by trying to stop him." Just from saying the words, my hands begin to shake. Saying the words makes it real.

Zayn completely forgets his food. His smile is gone and his eyes are wide, "Seriously?"

I slowly nod.

"That's so horrible I'm so sorry... Is that who that Niall Horan is? Your brother?"

"No Niall is my boyfriend. The police killed my brother."

"I just... Ah. I think you need a hug." He leans over the table and envelops me in his arms.

I gladly accept the hug, burying my face into the shoulder of my new friend. Several tears escape my eyes, as he whispers a series of words that make my heart race

"I'll sneak you to the 3rd floor to see Niall."

I pull back from him, a smile on my face, "You will?"

He nods, "If it was for anything else, I wouldn't. But due to your story and what you've been through, I think you deserve to see him."

I smile and continue to sob, due to gratefulness this time, "Thank you so much Zayn, oh my god. Thank you, thank you."

"No problem, new buddy. Now finish your food and we'll go."

We both inhale the rest of our sandwiches and apples, and then fast-walk down the winding hallways, until we reach an elevator. We step into it, and Zayn presses the button labeled "3". 

The closer we get to my Niall, the faster my heart pounds. The elevator dings, and the door opens to reveal the third floor.

Zayn looks at his clipboard, and says to me, "Room 322."

I nod to him, "Take the lead because I still don't know where that is."

He smiles but complies, turning to the left and walking that way. I follow.

This floor reeks of a mix of bleach and puke. The smells makes me nauseous. This floor also has much more doctors and nurses than the floor I was on. I feel sick to my stomach. This is definitely the emergency floor. 

Zayn stops in his tracks when a beeping sounds from his pocket. He picks up a walkey talkey, and holds down a button. Suddenly, a voice sounds through, "Anybody know where Madison Kelly is? She's been trying to leave ever since she got here and now we've lost her. Somebody find her before this becomes a problem. Code blue." 

He looks at me, giving me a nervous smile, "We're gonna have to hurry this along."
"I don't wanna get you in trouble..."

"My floor manager already knows I took you to lunch. They're probably gonna know I helped you anyways. Might as well finish this."

I nod and begin walking faster, following Zayn, and keeping my head down in case other workers on this floor also got the notice that I was missing.

Soon, we're standing in front of room 322. Before Zayn opens the door, I stop him.

"Isn't he in surgery? That's what Gloria told me." 

He gives me a grave look, "He's already went through a couple of surgeries these past couple of days , but at the moment they're letting him rest. He may be awake, i have no idea. Even if he is, he's gonna be in pain and under the influence of many drugs. His physical state may shock or scare you. You sure you wanna see him?" He warns me gently.

I don't even need to think this one through. I swallow before nodding.

And with that, he opens the door.

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