The Assassin's Legacy

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"T'weren't nuthin," Herman said softly, "just house-cleanin'. I ain't really an assassin, you know."

Vattus patted the big hedgehog on the back.
"I never thought you were, you seem a gentle beast," he turned to Gladis and Robbi, "come, lets fill our bellies and talk."

"Sounds good to me," Chumley said.

"I as well am pleased with that suggestion." Gladis nodded. The small group left the room and headed to the dining area.

 The small group left the room and headed to the dining area

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King Sigus was well liked in the Lands of Man. The country flourished and was at peace and while neither situation was directly the result of Sigus' actions, he reaped the rewards of prosperity and whatever eccentricities he harbored, were overlooked.

He was a fair king, whose main vice was a love of good food and wine. This particular propensity was on display in the buffet which had been prepared for his guests. A wide variety of shellfish, crustacean, and fish in exotic sauces filled half the large banquet table. Greens, potatoes, and salads were available in wide array. Finally, the king's own favorite course, desert, was present in an amazing variety of cakes, tortes, puddings, mousses, fruits, and chocolates which filled the air of the room with a mouth-watering aroma.

The six comrades were delighted when they entered the dining room. Gladis wagged her tail-feathers in delight and anticipation. Winnie thought he had gone to heaven as he hungrily eyed the sweets. Even the High Magus, Vattus, found himself smiling in anticipation of the lunchtime feast.

With dishes laden to the brim, the king and his guests sat around a large circular table enjoying the culinary delights. Despite the gravity of their present circumstances, the table was silent except for sounds of chewing, swallowing and small moans of delight.

When everyone was sated and sat back, conversation began once more. Initially, Chumley related all he had learned, including the strange scene in Minga which seemed to indicate a rift between the Deev and the Brotherhood and suggested Vasheron was planning to turn against the monks with a mercenary navy.

When Chumley's briefing was complete, the topic of discussion switched to the gaffer, Herman, and how he came to be called Gadral Neure. Vattus in particular, had been curious about this and asked the amiable hedgehog to explain.

"It's a bit of a strange tale, to be sure," the massive hedgehog began, "my family have always worked the glass, it's in our blood. Now there ain't no glass-makers guild in Seth-e, heck, even if there were, this is The Lands of Man, and the guild-masters here don't take kindly to havin' beasts in their guilds. But this is where we live, and most folks don't care if their glass is guild produced or not, long as it's good and what I will say," he grinned broadly, "is that my glass is the best in Arishamal. I do good business and keep me and Winnie fed.

"Anyways, a while back, when Winnie was little mor'n a berry, I was lookin' for a workshop. I always seen the sugar mill and figgered it'd be perfect. I went up and knocked on the door and a real old codger, Prevus he was called, comes to the door. He was as cranky as a crab with rhuematizy and blind as a bat, didn't even know what kinda beast I was. We got to talkin' and I learn he was livin' there all by his self. I asks him if'n I could rent out the workshop and he surprises me by agreein'.

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