Journey to Seth-e-Raman

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It took the Deev ten days to cross the swamplands. It had been a misery to all involved. Ten days of foul smells and hungry insects, ten days of soft mud sucking at feet and caking in their fur. Worse for the Deev was the loss of the bearers, the beaver and nutria they had enslaved to carry the Abitar.

Six days into the crossing and uncertain of their future, the bearers, at home in the fetid environs, had chewed through their bonds in the darkness of night and scattered in all directions, making pursuit pointless. The Deev were forced to carry the Abitar the remainder of the way unaided and from that point on, their progress slowed to a crawl.

When they finally reached the southernmost point of the swamp and open land, exhaustion had taken its toll and the Deev warriors collapsed and allowed themselves the opportunity to dry off and get the foul odors of the swamp off their bodies. They were within sight of the Scythian Desert and rested gratefully.

A fire was started and while his men filled their bellies, Vasheron spoke to Captain Kosuke about crossing the desert.
"When we reach the desert's edge, we will hire bearers and guides, we do not wish a repeat of this last disaster. The Scythian Desert is no place to be abandoned by unwilling slaves."

"I will see to organizing the caravan in the morning." Kosuke affirmed.

"We have no shortage of gold," Vasheron explained, "offer the guides and bearers a bonus if they can get us across in less than a week. While there is no great rush, we are already behind schedule because of that accursed swamp. Also, see to it none of our Deev draw any undue attention. Remove all uniforms, shirts and pantaloons only. We are traders from the north, nothing more. We do not wish to arouse any suspicion on the part of the humans. Make sure all my Deev are thus instructed."

"I will see to it Prince Vasheron," the captain responded.

Robbi and Vattus arrived at the southern seaside town of Rescovilla as dawn broke over a clear sky

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Robbi and Vattus arrived at the southern seaside town of Rescovilla as dawn broke over a clear sky. The town was located at the southwestern point of Aolas, adjacent to the Scythian desert. Vattus arranged for a fast sloop to take them around the South Horn of Arishamal and into the harbor of Seth-e-Raman. By taking the seaward route, the desert could be avoided completely and the entire voyage made in one third of the time that a land route would entail. There was no time for sight-seeing and barely time for a meal. Before noon was upon them, the two wizards were once more underway on their journey.

 Before noon was upon them, the two wizards were once more underway on their journey

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