Shikaku was speechless, he had never, NEVER, seen the herd take to someone like that before. The dominant buck was even asking for her attention. The mothers were completely fine with Kagome petting their young as they ate. Trusting Kagome to watch over them. They had been nearly aggressive with the normal Nara's who had been watching over the herd for years who was this kid?

They stayed with the deer for another hour or so, since they didn't really have anything else to do. In the end, Shikaku had ended up having to rescue Kagome from the herd because they started trying to take her with them back into the woods. Kagome giggled happily from her position on Shikaku's back as they made their way back to his house. She had jumped onto his back when he rescued her from the herd and just hadn't seen a reason to get off.

"That was fun." Kagome grinned.

As they made it back to Shikaku's house they ended up just sitting outside on his porch. They didn't do much other than talk until it was time to head back to Minato's. A while later they re-packed her groceries Kagome leaving a few of the least perishable groceries behind for Shikaku.

She liked Shikaku, but she wanted to get to know him a bit more before she decided to tell him the truth or not. She was interested in making him her friend, however. She paused in both thought and walking after Inoichi, she needed to find more people her current age So far, she had only met people fifteen years old or older. While she was totally fine having older friends, most would probably think it weird. She shook her head and started after Inoichi once again. That was a problem for a later time. As Inoichi and herself walked back towards Minato's house they talked a bit more about ninja and kunoichi in general. Kagome was excited for when she could start trying to take it easy for the next month, so she probably shouldn't try anything until after that.

As Inoichi walked Kagome through the Namikaze district he didn't hide the fact he was looking around. He hadn't been in the Namikaze district since before Minato's dad died. Not a lot visually had changed, Minato still paid genin squads to clean and keep up the other houses just like his dad had done. However, the mood of the clan district was completely different. This place used to be full of life and excitement, even when it was just Minato and his dad. The district just seemed dead now. Kagome would definitely be good for this place. She wouldn't let an obviously loved place like this stay so sad. She had done wonders for Sango's old village in their sparse free time. Easily remembering which house was Minato's he directed them through the homes.

Inoichi ran into the same problem as at Shikaku's house of not having a free hand to knock. So, he kicked lightly at the door hoping that Minato would hear them.

Minato opened the door with an excited yet nervous smile. He really hoped that Kagome liked what he had done. He knew she would be mad, but he hoped she would get over it quickly. When he saw how laden down, they both were with bags his eyes went wide. He quickly made a few shadow clones and directed them to grab all of the bags from both of them and put them away.

"Thank you for watching her on such short notice. It shouldn't happen again." Minato said earnestly.

Inoichi smiled at him, "Oh, it was no problem. I don't mind at all. Anytime you need a babysitter and I'm not on a mission don't hesitate to ask."

Kagome elbowed his sharply and eyed him with a baby glare, "I am not a baby and do not need to be watched."

Inoichi chuckled, "Whatever you say Kagome-chan." He ruffled her hair briefly before starting to walk away with a wave, ignoring Kagome's squawk of protest, "I should get going, see you two later."

Kagome waved goodbye to her friend before turning to Minato. She watched him carefully, his aura was all over the place. Jumping from anxious, to excitement, to nervousness, only to repeat the cycle. He was definitely up to something. Inuyasha's aura would do something similar when he did something, he wasn't sure she would agree with. They just stood there staring at each other for a bit before Minato took the lead.

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