Kagome punched him playfully, but still kinda meaning it, "You suck."

Inoichi laughed as they finally caught up with the nearly frantic blond, "You've seemed to have lost something Minato."

Minato spun around to see an amused looking Inoichi and slightly sulky Kagome. Minato let out a sigh of relief, he grabbed her shoulders with a serious look on his face, "You have to stick with me Kagome-chan, or at the very least let me know you're going somewhere. You scared me."

"Sorry, Minato-san. I saw Inoichi-san and wanted to say hi." Kagome mumbled looking down at the ground. It was weird being scolded. Usually, she was the one doing the scolding, mostly to Inuyasha if she was being honest.

Minato looked between the two with a calculating look on his face, "You two know each other?"

Kagome nodded eagerly, "Yeah, Inoichi-san was the one to do my mind walk so I could stay here. He continued to visit me after that. Talking to him is really fun. He has so many interesting things to say." Kagome said trying to amplify her childish tone, then her smile got a darker hint to it, "Especially about my new guardian, and a certain red-head."

A blush brightened his cheeks as his eyes grew wide, "Inoichi!"

Inoichi whistled innocently, "I have no idea what she's talking about."

Minato still looked slightly flustered but an idea flourished in his mind, "Oh, hey! Actually, you have pretty good timing Inoichi. I have a few errands that I need to get done. I should have got them done yesterday before I picked up Kagome-chan, but I was a bit eager to actually get her home. It'll be pretty boring, so do you think you could watch her for a few hours?" he looked at his watch, it was almost ten o'clock, "If you could bring her back home around two, that should give me plenty of time to finish everything up."

Kagome glared at him; he was trying to get rid of her already? Wasn't he supposed to be responsible? She crossed her arms irritably, "What about grocery shopping?"

Minato rubbed the back of his head with one arm while digging out his wallet with the other, this kid's glare was scary. Almost as scary as Kushina's, "Inoichi can show you some of the grocery stores around here before he brings you back home. Thanks, Inoichi." Minato shouted before tossing his wallet at Kagome and disappearing in a burst of leaves.

Kagome deadpanned, "Really?"

Inoichi was silent for a moment before slowly saying, "Well, I guess I'm watching you now."

Kagome sighed, "If it wasn't mandatory that someone keeps an eye on me, I would say don't worry about it. But, since I've pretty much just started my probation, sorry about this. I hope I won't ruin any plans you might have had. If you had something planned, I can just tag along and be a silent shadow or something."

Inoichi shook his head, "No, it's fine, really. I was just planning on visiting one of my team members today. Our team hasn't been sent on a mission together recently and I want to make sure he hasn't lazy'd himself to death."

"Lazy'd?" Kagome asked amused, following Inoichi through the crowd.

"Yeah, Shikaku can be insanely lazy. If he could get away with just laying down on the couch all day and do nothing, he'd definitely do it."

"How did someone like that manage to become a ninja?" Kagome asked curiously. Did they just let anyone with enough chakra become a ninja?

"Almost all of the Nara's have a lazy streak to them. Most Nara's have above average intelligence so their brains are always working overtime. Downtime helps rest their brains, but some take it to the extreme. Like Shikaku." Inoichi explained.

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