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Plague Steve x Rainbow Steve

Requested by MelissaC2000

I was going to make this longer, but I think short and sweet worked in my opinion.


It was a few days after Rainbow was brought back and helped his friends defeat Infinity. In that span, a lot has happened: Lucas rarely visits due to issues in his world, Sabre has been working consistently to the point Rainbow forced him to sleep and Rainbow had gotten closer to Plague. When Sabre was doing his thing, Rainbow and Plague went on their own adventures and found many things while exploring. 

Today was like any other day except for the fact Rainbow hasn't seen Plague all day. He asked Sabre if he seen the blue/green Steve, and said that today was not a good day for him. When the colorful Steve asked why, Sabre replied with,

"Something terrible happened on this day years ago and he needs to break away" 

After that Sabre walked away saying something about going to the library. The human should have known better then to leave a very curious Steve allow, especially this one. Rainbow searched high and low for Plague, only to find him at the abandon village in the cemetery standing in front of a grave. Rainbow was about to call out for the Steve when he noticed he was shaking and tears fell from his face.

"I'm so sorry" Plague whimpered. Rainbow was close enough to hear him.

"I should have been there to protect you, instead I was away for selfish reason" Plague balled up his fists, "We were suppose to protect this town together, now it's in rubble and one of its protectors is six feet under and the other is living."

Rainbow felt something wet fall down his cheek and realized it was tears.

"I promised that we would go exploring when I got back, how many times have I promised you that and never did it? Four? Five? Six? I don't know" Plague tried to laugh but only a sob came out of his mouth.

"A few weeks ago, I met three amazing people a few weeks ago. They are very kind, funny, smart. You would have gotten along with one of them. His name is Rainbow, he likes animals, exploring and other stuff. I wish you could meet him" Plague signed.

Rainbow, not wanting to hide anymore, quietly walk over so Plague wouldn't hear him. He was a few feet away before he spoke.

"Hey Plague"

The Steve jumped up and turned faster than Lucas when he was on a sugar rush.

"R-Rainbow" Plague croaked out then clear his throat, "Rainbow, what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you" Rainbow looked at the grave and walk closer until he was next to Plague who was curious to what he was doing, "Hi I'm Rainbow, I'm a friend of Plague's. Nice to meet you"   

A small smile appeared on Plague's face and hugged Rainbow who hugged him back.

"Thank you"


Word count: 489

Requests remaining: 28

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