ShadowLucas Part 2

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Requested by Lydia608, VanaTheDevilishAngel and MelissaC2000

There is a reason I put Plague out of all the other Steves. Again, bad at nicknames.

Can you guys go a little easy on me for requests? I still got 22 more to go after this, you can still request, but it will be awhile until you see them. 


Lucas was shopping for groceries and other things that he and Shadow needed. When he was trying to reach for a can on the top shelf, he felt someone press up against him and grab the can. Without looking, Lucas already knew who it was.

"Really Plague" Lucas signed.

"Can't a guy help his boyfriend?"

Turning around quickly, Lucas glared at the black hair, "I told you already, you are not my boyfriend and that I am married"

"And I told you that you should leave him, I can give you so much more" Plague smirk and wrapped an arm around Lucas' waist and pulled him close.

Lucas pushed Plague away, "I might have had a crush on you in high school, but you rejected me. I moved on, you should too"

"I wouldn't have rejected you if I had known you would look like this" Plague gestured to Lucas' body.

Lucas rolled his eyes and walk away, but was stopped by Plague.

"Come on, give me a chance" Plague pleaded.

"Even if I did, I won't because I love Shadow and I wouldn't betray him. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to shopping"

"What if I told you he was unfaithful and that he was lying to you?"

"Until I see it then I will believe you, but I trust Shadow more than you any given day"

With that Lucas walked away and this time Plague didn't follow instead he was thing on how to change the blonde's mind. The greenette knew about Lucas husband's dirty little secret, heck he has his own secret, but it wasn't as terrible as Shadow's. Shadow, the one who took the blonde from him, it should have been him, but Plague will show Lucas who Shadow truly is. Hearing a familiar ring, Plague knew it was go time go.


(Shade=Shadow, Teal=Plague)

Shade was sneaking around his next target when someone spotted him and called the police. Before they arrived, Shade was gone so he wouldn't be caught, but someone caught him just before he went into his hideout.

"Hello Shade"

Shade didn't say anything, he knew this person as much as he knew him. Teal was the so called 'hero' of this city, but only if people understand he was nothing but a fraud.

"Don't think I'm going to let you commit another crime" Teal declare.

"As if you could stop me" Shade snickered, "You've been chasing me for several years and have yet to catch me"

"I know your weak point Shadow" Teal smirk, "When I get little LuLu to see that you're not so innocent, I'll be the one who's going to bring you down while you are at your low. Then I'll have your husband"

In a flash, Shade had a hand on Teal's throat and slammed him against a wall.

"That will never happen, he is mine and I will never let you have him." Shade growled, "You had your chance Plague but lost it. Even though you know my identity, no one will believe that Shadow and Shade are the same."

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