OriginSabre Part 2

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Origin Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel & GamingKitten847


Sabre woke up in a grassy field instead of the blank world Origin showed him. The words Origin said to him disturbed him greatly, but his first priority is Galaxy. Sabre sat unmoving under a tree where Galaxy and him had their argument, where Galaxy left him. Origin had accomplish what he wanted now Sabre was alone, defenseless and alone.

Though when Sabre found him, he was left on his knees feeling betrayed. Sabre sat where Galaxy and him had their argument, where Galaxy left him. Origin had accomplish what he wanted now Sabre was defenseless and alone.

He was alone.

He lied to protect, but he was not above the consequences.

His friend abandon him after he promise he would not.


He was abandon again.

Everyone he ever cared for abandon him.

Left him.

Sabre did not look up when he heard a familiar voice, "This is why I told you to leave the Steves alone"

Sabre didn't say anything. 

Origin kneeled down and put a finger under Sabre's chin making him look up, "Now you are all alone: no friends, no family, nothing"

"What do you want?" Sabre finally said glaring at the Steve, not that he could see it.

Origin smiled, "Now you speak."

Sabre signed and smack Origin's hand away then got up, "If you have nothing to say, I'm going to find Galaxy"

Sabre started to walk away, but Origin grab his wrist and pulled him close to him.

"He abandon you, why are you going to search for him?" 

"He's my friend no matter what, not that you care. Now let me go" Sabre tried to pull away from Origin's grip, but the Steve tighten his grip on his wrist.

"Oh you don't know how much you and Galaxy irritate me being so close" Origin growled.

"I-I guess a lot" Sabre struggle.

Origin glared down at the human below him, "I thought you're argument would get you to give up and accept me, but it appears I'll have to force you" 

Origin teleport both of them back to his world and slammed Sabre down onto the ground making him groan. The Steve used one hand to hold Sabre's and sat on top of him.

"Let me go!" Sabre tried to move, but he couldn't without Origin putting more pressure on him.

"No. I told you, you're going to rule beside me no matter what, even if I have to erase your memories of every Steve ever loved and care for" Origin threatened.

Sabre froze, he didn't want to forget. Origin grinned finding Sabre's one weak point.

"So will you cooperate?" Origin raised a hand, "Remember, I can erase every one of your memories."

Sabre hated Origin, he hated him so much. His memories are everything to him, they're the only thing he has in reminder of all the Steves who were his friends. The brunette regretted the next words that came out of him mouth so much.

"I accept"

Origin grinned then attach his lips to Sabre's. Oh how long he want to taste those sweet lips of the human. Sabre squirmed, but forced himself to relax, he had to complied or else his memories are good as gone.

Origin pulled back licking him lips, "You taste so good Sabre, I can't wait for you to become mine" The Steve pulled the bandanna off Sabre's face, "And no one can stop me, not even you"

"B-But I-"

"You say you accept me because I threaten you." Origin buried his head in Sabre's neck, "You'll accept me, willingly"

The Steve lick Sabre's neck getting a shiver out of him, "You'll learn to love me soon enough, we have all the time in the world"

Tears flowed down Sabre's face as he closed his eyes accepting his fate. 


Word count: 650

Requests remaining: 0 

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