(1) 09Boss

646 7 7

Boss Steve x 09sharkboy

Kid AU, sorry for it being short

Requested by MelissaC2000


Shark was playing with his stuff shark while he waited for his mom to pick him up from their neighbor's house. He would have been watched over by his older brother or cousin if they weren't at school or had a doctor's appointment respectively. So his mom asked their neighbor to watch him so she could run some errans. Their neigbor was a man named GS and has two sons: Rainbow and Boss. Rainbow was a year older than him (same age as his second oldest cousin) and Boss was three years older than him (same age as his older brother).

The toy Shark was playing with was suddenly it was snatched away from him.

"Hey!" Shark look up to see Rainbow, "Give it back"

"No, I want it" Rainbow suck his tongue out and held it away from the younger boy.

"Give it!" Shark shouted as he got up and tried to take his toy back, but Rainbow pushed him back down making the younger one tear up.

Soon Shark started to cry getting the attention of the oldest kid in the house as the adult had to step out for a few minutes.

"What's going on here?" Boss asked walking into the room. 

"Bow took my toy" Shark cried.

Rainbow was about to protest, but shut his mouth when he seen the expression on his brother's face. Normally Boss could careless what his younger brother does and stands up for him when needed, but when it came to the youngest of the Saga family, it was a different story.

"Rainbow give me the toy now" Boss' voice was laced with 'do as I say or else' 

The older boy then snatched the stuff shark out of Rainbow's hand and gave him a look that told his to go to his room which the red head did. Then Boss turned his attention to the crying boy who was oblivious to what just occurred.

"Hey Shark, look what I have"

Shark look up to see his toy and a smile quickly made its way on his face. Taking the stuff shark from Boss, Shark clutched it close to his chest. 

"Thank you Boss" Shark smiled.

"Anytime, now is there anything you want to do?" Boss said as he picked up Shark who wrapped his arms around his neck.

Shark let out a yawn before he answered.

"Play pirate?"

"Actually, I think it's time for your nap"

"Noooo" Shark whined, "I wanna play pirate"

"Sorry captain, but your mom will get upset if you don't get your nap"

"Fine" Shark huffed and let Boss carry him to the guest room.

As Boss carried Shark, he got sleepier with every passing moment until he fully fell asleep. Use to this, Boss just chuckled and continued to walk. Once they got to the guest bedroom and Boss had laid Shark down, the younger one would not let go of Boss' shirt.


"No leave" Shark pouted sleepy, "Bossy stay"

Should have been use to this, Boss got in the bed next to Shark who cuddled up next to him.

"You better be glad you're cute" Boss said in Shark's brown hair as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.



"Rainbow, where's your brother and Shark?" GS asked his youngest son.

"Napping" Rainbow answered, "Dad?"


"When will big brother and Shark get married?"

Cue a man spitting out his coffee. 


Word count: 584

Requests remaining: 34

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