RedNeg Part 2

395 7 4

Set a few weeks after Red and Negative met.

Requested by XxRoboticLauncherxX


Once again Negative was at the market, but this time he was not waiting for his brother or Nightmare instead he was waiting on someone.

'What's taking him so long?'  Negative thought.

"Negative!" The said Steve turned to see a Red Steve running to him.

"Hey Red" Negative said watching the smaller panting for air.

"S-Sorry my m-mom wanted t-to t-talk" Red gasped.

Negative smiled and said it was okay then the two went into the market together. The taller Steve had to keep a close eye on Red after he wondered off to another store when he wasn't looking. At one point, Red dragged Negative - well Negative aloud himself to be - to a store selling plushies and clothes.

"Look Negative! Isn't it adorable!" Red showed Negative a wolf plushy.

Though Negative wasn't a fan with this stuff, he went along with it for Red's sake, "It is cute, for a toy"

Red grinned, oblivious to the tone of the Steve's voice, and checked the price tag. That's when his smile fell and put the toy on the shelf from where he got it. Negative noticed the change, but he didn't have time say anything as Red pulled him to a different store. The Red/Yellow Steve felt himself relax which was a rare thing for him to do, something about Red made him feel as though he could relax. As for Red, he was having a blast spending time with Negative and looking at items within stores.

"Come on Negative let's go!" Red pulled on Negative's arm to another store.

"Red, it's getting late and I think your mom will get worried" Negative reminded. He met Red's mom before to help explain why her 'precious baby boy' was an hour late coming home after Red went to Positive and Negative's house.

"Awww" Red pouted, "Please, just one last store"

Red gave Negative his famous puppy eyes, though not that he ever does it on purpose. Negative let out a sign, he could never say no when Red gave he the look.

"Fine, but do you think you'll be fine by yourself. I have to get something" Negative said, "We'll met at the entrance in 10 minutes, deal?"   

"Deal! Thank you" Red hurried off and Negative went to get what he needed.

Fifteen minutes later

Red has been waiting for Negative for the last five minutes outside and he was getting worried.

'What if he left? What if it was because he thought I was weird? I was acting so childish and now Negative doesn't like me anymore'  Tears ran down Red's face as he thought that Negative left him alone. 

After another five minutes, Red accepted the fact that Negative had left him and started to head home. However, he didn't go far when he heard a familiar voice called out his name.

"Red!" Negative caught up to the Steve and instantly noticed the tears stains running along his face, "What happened?! Are you hurt?! Who ever did this they'll pay"

Negative cupped Red's face seeing if there was any sign that the smaller had been injured in any way, shape, or form.

"I'm fine" Red giggled, seeing Negative getting so worked because he was crying made him smile. 

"Are you sure?"




"Ahh-coo!" Positive sneezed.

"Bless you" Nightmare said.

"Why do people say my name!?" Positive groaned sneezing again.



Negative let out a sign in relief hearing that the smaller Steve was okay.

"Why were you crying anyway?" Negative asked still concerned.

The smile on Red's face turned into a frowned and he looked down so he didn't have to look in Negative's eyes.

Negative frowned and put a hand on Red's shoulder.

"Tell me Red, I don't like it when you're sad" Negative was so use to seeing Red being so happy and cheerful that seeing him sad made Negative's heart clench.

"It's nothing. It was something stupid" Red signed.

"Red" Negative used one of his hands to lift Red's chin up so they were looking eye to eye, "If it was something stupid then why are you crying. Please tell me"

"I-I thought you left because I waited for you outside for a while and you hadn't come out yet and I just assumed" Red signed, "I'm sorry Negative, it was something dumb"

"No it wasn't, I may have known you for just a few months, but I understand why you thought that way because I know the feeling." Negative confessed and let go of Red.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for worrying you"

The frown was still on Red's face and Negative knew one way to fix it.

"Hey Red guess what" Negative said with a grin.


Negative pulled a plastic bag he had Red and pulled out the wolf toy that Red was looking at earlier. When Red saw the wolf, his eyes lit up and hugged the toy tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Red chanted happily.

"Any time" Negative chuckled seeing that the Red he knew was back.

Red then engulfed Negative in a hug, "Thank you Negative, you're the best"

Negative hugged back and put his head on top of Red's, "Whatever makes you smile, I will do"


Word count: 890

Requests remaining: 0  

You Decide - Steve Saga(2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora