FavremyBlue Part 2

885 9 4

Requested by Olisteve

Yeah I think I turned Blue a bit yandere 


Sabre woke up to sun rays coming from his window. Letting out a yawn, Sabre got up from his bed and got ready for the day, but he stopped when he noticed his bandanna was on the ground instead of being  on his nightstand like usual. Though odd, Sabre did not ponder over it for long since he wanted to check how Blue was doing also to have some company since Rainbow was still out, Lucas had some things to do in his world, Green is in Lucas' world, and Red was a bit stubborn. After getting everything together, Sabre went out of the Rainbow House over to the area where Red and Blue are.

Blue was half asleep when he heard footsteps approaching him and saw it was Sabre. A small blush covered his face seeing Sabre after last night; his crush keeps on getting bigger and bigger each and every time he sees the human.

Sabre gave Blue a smile as he reach his tube(?), "Hey Blue. Do you want to hang out for a bit?"   

Blue quickly nodded his head wanting to spend time with Sabre besides sneaking in his room at night and just watching him. Once Blue was out of his tube (?), him and Sabre went on a walk while talking about random things. Well Sabre did most of the talking since Blue became his own person after being separated from Reverse weeks ago. Every so often the Steve would voice his opinion, but for the most part he would glance at Sabre more than he should. Sabre notice this, but thought nothing about it as they continue walking and talking.

They came across a sheep that got Sabre's attention as he went to pet it. Meanwhile Blue glared at the sheep for taking the human's attention away from him.

"Hey Blue, come on and pet it, it's wool is so soft" Sabre said not looking at Blue who gritted his teeth as he walk over.

Though when Blue got close enough, the sheep ran away feeling something threatening from the Steve. Sabre whined for the lost of the softness of the sheep's wool.

"Awe" Sabre whined.

Blue walk over to Sabre and reach up to pet his hair which caused Sabre to give the Steve an odd look that Blue responded with a smile, "Your hair is soft, softer than that sheep's wool"

Sabre blushed from embarrassment as Blue continued to feel Sabre's hair. It felt so different now that Sabre did not have a bed head with all of those knots in it. 

"Um Blue?" Sabre said after some time.

The Steve just hummed still fiddling with Sabre's hair.

"C-Can you stop please?"

Blue stop momentarily before grabbing and pulling a bunch of the brown hair causing Sabre to wince before letting go, "I'm sorry, but your hair was soft. I was kind of in a trance"

Sabre nodded not really believing Blue, but said nothing as the two continue their walk only this time, Sabre did not talk at all. Of course Blue notice and put a hand on Sabre's arm getting him to jump.

"Y-Yes?" Sabre questioned not realizing he was in his own world for a long time.

Blue gave him a worried look, "You weren't talking and I go a bit worried"

"Sorry, I was just thinking" Sabre laughed nervously hoping Blue would believe.

"Alright Sabre" Blue said and instead of letting Sabre go, he tighten his grip causing Sabre to wince, "But I don't like to be lied to. So please, tell me what we're you thinking"

Sabre gulped, "I-I was thinking of how you were acting, that's all I promise."

A dark look loomed over Blue's face as he pushed Sabre up against a near by tree, "You don't have to worry about me"

"I-I understand now. C-Can you let me go now?" Sabre stuttered worrying about what Blue will do.

Blue let out a chuckle as he leaned close to Sabre's face then whispered in his ear, "You sound adorable when you stutter. You look so small and powerless like this" 

(Blue is barley over an inch taller than Sabre)  

Blue kissed Sabre's cheek before moving away from Sabre who let out a sign of relief when Blue moved away. Blue patted Sabre's hair.

"Shall we continue our walk" Blue said holding out his hand which Sabre took with much hesitation. 

A huge smile spread on Blue's face he and Sabre started to walk with their hands intertwine. Blue grip Sabre's hand hard enough as to telling the human not to try anything or else there will be consequences.  


Word count: 790

Requests remaining: 1

You Decide - Steve Saga(2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora