(2) OriginSabre

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Origin Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by Olisteve


Sabre, Galaxy, and Green watch worriedly as Origin started to go off the deep end with every passing minute.

Slowly stepping back, Sabre whispered loud enough so that the two Steves could here him, "Guys, go and find the last part of Alex. I'll distract him"

"Are you sure?" Green asked. He did not like someone defenseless as Sabre with someone messed up as Origin. 

"I'm sure, just go now"

Both Steves hesitated before leaving Sabre on his own. The human turn his attention to Origin who was muttering to himself.

"Origin, please we just want to bring Alex back that's all" Sabre said.

"No! You you just want to bring her back because you love her!" Origin spated out.

Sabre shook his head, "No I don't. Listen Alex is my friend and that's all. I promise."

It was true, Sabre felt nothing for Alex, to him she is a sister.

"You're lying!"

"No I'm not. Don't you want to bring her back? I mean you do love her" Sabre pointed out.

Origin let out a low chuckle, "Oh I don't love her. I loved her only because she was the only person I ever had to keep me company"

"You don't love her?" To be honest this surprised Sabre very much. All this time he thought Origin loved Alex, but now he guess Origin was desperate for company that he made himself believe he loved Alex.

"I don't. In fact I love someone else, but he'll never love me after what I've done"

"Who, who do you love?" Sabre ask. He already know who it is from that expression on Origin's face.

"Why should I tell you?!" Origin sneered, "You're a mere human who knows nothing! Nothing at all!"

Origin started to mumble to himself once again and at some points he would talk out loud, nd those were the points that the Steve's words scared Sabre. Origin would say hurtful things about everyone, even himself, and that no one will ever love him.

"Please Origin, just talk you don't need to hide or keep anything in" Sabre said. He had his fair share of bottle emotions and the outcome is not good if not let out once in a while.

"Oh now you care? I thought you hated me" Origin chuckled.

Sabre's face relaxed, "I don't hate you Origin, yes I got angry at you, but I never hated you. Origin, I-" Sabre swallowed, "I love you" 

Origin's eyes widen and for once he was speechless, but that didn't last long as an angry expression took over his shock one. 

"How do I know you're not lying?! You could be using one of you're mind tricks!" Origin perk up at that thought, "Yes, that's what you're doing: mind tricks. You don't love me, you love Alex. You're just saying that you love me so you can catch me off guard, yes that's it"

Sabre step forward shaking his head, "I'm not lying Origin, I don't love Alex, I only think of her as a sister."

"Then who do you love then!?" Origin let out a pain laugh, "That's it isn't, you love someone else. Don't you Sabre! You love-"

Origin stopped when he felt someone hugged him, he look down to see Sabre's brown hair.


"I'm not lying Origin" Sabre look up at the Steve.

"H-How do I know if you're not?" Origin ask. He doesn't want to get hurt, not again.

There was only one way for Sabre to prove that he isn't lying; using one hand, he removed his bandanna so his light grey eyes were looking into Origin's hurtful red eyes.

"If I look away when I say these next four words then you know I'm lying: I love you Origin" Sabre's eyes did not once look away.

"You actually mean that" Origin gasp.

"Of course I do" Sabre smiled and connected his lips to Origin who was surprised, but slowly kissed back. Origin held Sabre close to him, enjoying the feeling of just having the human in his arms.

Soon they pulled away and that's when Sabre saw Origin's enraged red eyes turned back into their regular sky blue color.

"I love you Sabre" Origin whispered, "You don't know how long and hard it was for me to say that"


Word count: 730

Requests remaining: 3

You Decide - Steve Saga(2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora