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Dark Steve (Evil Steve) x 09sharkboy

Angel/Demon AU. Speaking of which, I'm planning to do a Darkside by Alan Walker music video, but I don't know who to use. Help?

Also demon and angels are two halves of a whole, it's like werewolves.

Requested by Sworflame12


Shark watch as the other angels play here in the Ather, he would play too, but he wasn't comfortable with being around them. Usually he would play with Sabre, Moose, Nathan or Lucas, but they were away to take care of tasks that Notch asked them to do or other things. The five had their own group since they were friends since they were human. Eventually Shark decided to take a walk instead of watching the others. 

Soon, Shark found himself at the what suppose to be the bridge of the Ather and the Neither. Not many angels come here as they were afraid of becoming tainted by the demons that could be near. However, Shark was not afraid and come here whenever he could, the same goes with his friends.

Sitting at the edge, Shark admire the beautiful view that only the Bridge could offer.

"Haven't seen an angel here in years" A voice spoke startling the angel.

Shark look over to the other side to see a Black Demon leaning against a wall and smirking at Shark. 

"What is a pure angel like you, near such a tainted place?" The demon look up and down Shark's body, "Let me rephrase that, what is a pure and cute angel doing here?"

Shark blushed slightly at the demon's comment, "I like coming here, it helps me relax"

"Hmm, another odd on" The demon mumbled.

"Another?" Shark asked hearing the Demon.

"Yes" The demon walk closer to the edge, "There's other angels who come here, ones who are not afraid of the taint."

"Why should we fear the taint?"

"Because an angel can change to a fallen or to a demon from the taint." the Demon explained, "Though I wouldn't mind tainting you angel, do tell me what is your name?"

"Sh-Shark" The angel said, "What's yours?"

"I'm Dark little angel"

"Don't call me that!" Shark pouted.

"Why not? You are the smallest person I ever seen apart from children" Dark smirk, "So little angel, tell me why you do not fear the taint?"

"I guess because it doesn't effect me?"

Dark hummed, "Mind if I try something?"

"Try what?"

"This" Dark grabbed Shark's arm and pulled him close, meaning, he pulling him in the Nether.

Shark struggled to get back to the Ather, but Dark had a grip on him.

"Let me go!" Shark yelled in fear of turning into a demon or a fallen angel.

"Relax angel" Dark said, "If you were to turn, you would have felt it by now"

Dark was right, Shark would have felt something once he crosses, but he didn't. Looking up, the angel seen Dark smile softly at him.

"Never had I meant someone who could stand against my taint" Dark rubbed some of Shark's brown hair in between his fingers.

"Don't demons have the same taintness?"

"No, depending on what one does during their life determines their taintness or their pureness in your case. I have wrong so many leaving me to unable to find my angel because of how tainted I have become." Dark explained, "But, I guess there is someone out there giving me a chance"

"What do you mean?" Shark asked not understanding what Dark meant by the last part.

"You know how for every demon, there is an angel who can with stand the taintness that the demon produces. Since I am one of the most taintest, you, my little angel, should have turned but you didn't"

"Y-You're my d-demon" Shark said in shook.

"Yes, and you are my angel" Dark smiled, "But the question is, do you accept me?"

That was the ultimate question when it comes to demon-angel pairs. If one rejects the other, the one who was rejected will feel pain of heartache while the one who rejected with feel grief. Yeah, some angels are not so innocent. If they do accept each other, they become stronger and are a balance between light and dark.

Shark could only stare at Dark as he didn't know what to say. He thought this would be like any other day and not meet his demon half. Dark frowned when Shark look away and knew the angel's answer. The demon went to release the angel when he felt Shark hug him.


"I'm not Shark" the brunette smiled looking up at Dark, "I'm your angel"

"And I'm your demon"


Word count: 777

Requests remaining: 10

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