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FavremySabre x ThelSpike

Set in the Steve Saga, not in the real world

Request by GalaxyChan6


Lucas woke up panting and sweating from a nightmare he just had. The memories of the fight with Nightmare earlier haunts his. The town ended up in a total mess and was almost destroyed if Sabre hadn't given Rainbow a boost in power. 

Lucas was scared for Rainbow and Sabre, especially with Sabre. Rainbow because he's the only one with powers. Lucas was even more worried about Sabre because he is human with no means to protect himself and Nightmare would have done something horrible to him.

"Lu?" The blonde look over to the bed across the room to see Sabre sitting up looking at him, "Are you okay?"

Sabre woke up to Lucas' stained noise and now looking at his best friend with his bright grey eyes. 

"I-I'm fine Sabre, go back to sleep" Lucas has known Sabre for years and that he has trouble sleeping.

You can see the concern written all over Sabre's face since he knows Lucas isn't one to wake up in the middle of the night - that was his thing - unless there was something on his mind. Sabre got out of bed and walk over to Lucas who pulled his knees to his chest.

"Lu" Sabre sat at the end of Lucas' bed, "Talk to me"

"I'm just scared that one day Nightmare won't run away then you and Rainbow will..." Tears started to flow down his face, "I don't want that to happen, I don't want to lose either one of you"

Sabre scooted closer then pulled Lucas into a hug, "That's not going to happen Lucas, we always find a way. Don't think about the bad stuff."

Lucas hug Sabre back, "Thanks Sab"

They pulled away once Lucas calm down. Lucas couldn't help to stare into his best friend's eyes. Some how, looking into Sabre's grey eyes calm him a lot and wish Sabre would stop wearing his bandanna so he could look at them when he's scared or worried. However, Sabre hardly ever takes off his bandanna in front of people, but since they known each other since they were kids, Sabre was comfortable enough to leave it off in Lucas' presence.

Sabre was about to get of the bed when Lucas grab the sleeve of his pajamas, "C-can you stay for tonight"

Sabre smiled and got into the bed when Lucas moved over to make room. Once Sabre was comfortable, Lucas curled himself into his chest while Sabre pulled him close to him.

"Your the best Sab" Lucas mumbled falling asleep in Sabre's hold.

Sabre chuckle a bit then kissed Lucas' forehead, "Night Lu and remember I'm not going to leave you."    


Word count: 465

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