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Dark Steve x Light Steve

The one who is hated is never told lies and can be themselves.

The one who is loved is used and hid who they are. 

Warning: mention of suicide and a very sad Light (who will be my cinnamon roll forever)


Light sat on a grassy cliff, alone. Though he is loved by many, none loved him for him. He was oblivious at first, but he had his suspensions as the years go by. Finally, after an argument with Dark is when Light realized the horrible truth.


'Dark, please give them a chance' Light begged his brother. As of late many had harm Dark, which Light had no idea, and  his hatred from them has been growing.

'Give them a chance! Light they hate me! They always have and always will!' Dark growled.

'But Dark-'

'Shut up! You never seen their true colors! Don't you get it Light: no one loves you! They are using you and you're too stupid to notice! You'll never be loved! No one will ever love you' Dark yelled, but quickly regreted his words, especially the last part.

'Light-' Dark started, but when he look are a heartbroken Light, he couldn't say anything.

'Light I-I' sorry-"

'You're right..." Tears ran down Light's cheeks and look up at Dark up his dulled eyes, 'I'll never be loved'

With that Light ran away from Dark, away from everyone, away from the pain.

'Dark is right: I'll never be loved' Light thought bitterly about everyone who he thought were his friends and family, but in the end they were using him. The pain in Light's chest increased making it harder for him to breath. 

"I just want the pain to end!" Light screamed. He look over the edge of the cliff next to him and a dangerous thought filled his head.

'Maybe, their is a way' The image of Dark appeared in his head, but Light shook it away, 'Don't think about him Light, he doesn't love you; he said it himself'

Light stood up with his legs wobbly and walk closer to the edge.

'I love you Dark' That was the last thought Light had before he closed his eyes and jumped.

He was falling, then he felt solid ground. Light felt arms wrap around him and heard the sound of sobbing. 

Light open his eyes to see Dark crying, muttering 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

"Dark?" Light whispered. 

Dark look into Light's almost dulled silver eyes, "Light I'm so sorry. I never meant that, I never met for those words to come out. I was angry at everyone, not because they hurt me, but because they were going to hurt you. They were using you and I know once they got what they wanted they would hurt you so bad. I'm sorry Light, I wanted to protect you, but... but" 

Light hug Dark running his hand up and down his back to sooth him, "It's okay Dark, it's okay"

"It's not okay, you were about to commit suicide because of me" Dark sobbed harder.

Light let out a sign, "But everything you said is true: everyone is using me and no one will ever love me"

Dark gritted his teeth then push Light onto the ground and got on top of him. 

"D-Dark?" The said Steve didn't say anything and leaned to Light. 

His lip hovered over Light's, "I love you Light"

Dark closed the gap and started to kiss Light with everything he had, showing how much he loved the Steve below him. Light's brain flat line, not understanding what was happening until Dark started to nibble every where on his neck.

"Dark if you continue then-" Light gasped when Dark found a sensitive part of Light's neck and started to bit it.

"Dark stop it!" Light struggled, but his efforts were futile. 

Dark lick the mark he just gave Light, "I love you Light. I love you so much that I would do anything for you"     

Light was stun at Dark's words then when he found his voice, he ask, "H-How long?"

"Ever since I first saw you" Dark response, running his hand through Light's white hair, "What about you?"

Dark knows about Light's crush on him ever since he 'accindentlly' read Light's journal.

"S-Same" Light stuttered. Dark smiled then kissed Light who happily accepted it.

Everyone used and lied to Light.

Dark lies to protect him and loves Light for who he is, not what he can do.


Word count: 758

Requests: none

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