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Faceless x FavremySabre

Faceless does have a face, but its not really his. Also this was supposed to be published yesterday, but I was watching Care Bears, don't judge me!

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Sabre was wandering the Rainbow Town looking for Rainbow who has been absent for the past three days causing the human to worry for the Steve's safety. It was when he was walking pas the Rainbow House when he spotted something colorful out of the corner of his eye that was not wool.

"Rainbow!" Sabre yelled out and ran for the colorful Steve.

"Oh hey Sabre what's oof" Sabre had tackled Rainbow into a hug which led both of them to fall on the ground with Sabre on top of Rainbow.

"I'm so happy that you're back" Sabre hugged Rainbow's neck, "I was getting worried"

Rainbow wrapped his arms around Sabre, "I'm sorry for worrying you"

"What happened to you?" Sabre ask getting off of Rainbow so he could sit up.

"I had an encounter with Faceless" 

"D-Did he hurt you?!" Sabre ask as he checked Rainbow for any injuries.

Rainbow grabbed Sabre's hands, "I'm fine" Rainbow leaned in closer to Sabre, "Now that I'm with you~"

Sabre felt his face get hot, "M-Me to ha, I mean you're safe and Faceless anywhere near here"

Rainbow caressed Sabre's face with one of his hands feeling his soft skin as Sabre bit his lip and somewhat froze.

"Have I ever told you that you are the cutest thing I ever laid my eyes on?" Rainbow ask getting closer to Sabre who couldn't move since Rainbow was holding him.

Before Rainbow could get any closer, he was tackled away from Sabre.

"Don't you lay a hand on him!" Rainbow roared punch the other Rainbow.

"Get off me you imposter!" The other Rainbow shouted and punch Rainbow back.

As for Sabre, he thought he was seeing things now that two Rainbows were here fighting right in front of him.


Both Steves stopped and looked at Sabre replying yes.

"He was talking to me!"

"No he was talking to me!"

"Both of you stop it" Sabre pulled one Rainbow off the other for him to stand.

Both of the Steves were glaring at each other, ready to fight at any minute, but neither risked it when Sabre was in the middle.

"Okay, who is who because there can't be another Rainbow here! I mean there can be, but that's different. Off topic, who one is the real Rainbow?"

"I am!" Both said.

Sabre faced palmed for not thinking, "Okay, I'm going to ask you two some questions and whoever gets them wrong will be kicked out or something"

---Time skip---

Sabre and the real Rainbow glared at the fake Rainbow who glared at Rainbow.

"You're not the real Rainbow! Just who are you?!" Rainbow growled.

'Rainbow' let out a dark chuckle that sent shivers down Sabre's spin.

"I guess the gig is up, might as well show my real self" A flash of light blinded Sabre and Rainbow for a few seconds before they saw the person in front of them.

"F-Faceless!" Sabre gasped.

"You!" Rainbow growled and got out his stick.

Faceless smirk, "Yes it is me and I will leave peaceful if you don't attack"

"Then go already!" Rainbow shouted. He wanted Faceless to leave his home as soon as possible.

Faceless smirk, "You didn't let me finish Steve, I'll leave peaceful, but" He grabbed the sleeve of Sabre's jacket, "He's coming with me"



Faceless teleport away with Sabre back to his lair, leave Rainbow alone screaming at the top of his lungs.


Sabre was dizzy after being teleport, but he quickly came back to his sense when he was slammed against a wall getting a groan out of him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Faceless staring right at him with a smirk on his face. Sabre tried to move, but quickly found that Faceless pinned both of his hands on ether side of his head with his own.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving so soon Sabre. I was hoping to continue what we started before that Steve interrupted us" 

"That meant nothing! I thought you were Rainbow and I rather had him kissing me than you!" Sabre growled.

The smirk not once flatted on Faceless' face, "If you wanted Rainbow then"

In Faceless stop was Rainbow, but Sabre knew it was still Faceless.

"Would you be more comfortable like this or would you like if I was someone else?"

Faceless turned into different Steves that Sabre knew and flirted with him with that Steve's voice. It was when Faceless turned into and talk as Light. 

"No stop it!" Sabre cried when he heard Light's voice. 

"Oh, so this Steve brings an emotion out of you" Faceless hummed.

"Please, anyone but him" Sabre breathed. The lost of Light still hurt him greatly.

"I'll stop, if you do something for me" 

"I'll do anything, but please don't talk with his voice." Sabre pleaded.

Faceless turned back to himself and let go of Sabre knowing that all he has to do was to turn into Light for Sabre to freeze.

"Anything you say" Faceless lend in until they were an inch apart, "Then kiss me and I will let you go"

"T-That's all?"


Sabre signed and closed the gap between them, it was barely ten seconds before Sabre pulled away blushing in embarrassment.

Faceless let out a content hum and back away from Sabre who looked at him oddly.

"I said I would let you after you kissed me" Faceless said watching as Sabre hesitantly exit his base slowly before running away.

"He didn't let me finish" Faceless signed, "I guess he'll figure it out when I keep on bother both him and Rainbow"


Word count: 980

Requests remaining: 1  

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