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God Steve x 09Sharkboy

I'm calling God GS because since I don't put Steve with any of their names and I am very uncomfortable just saying God.

Requested by Killfun2005


Shark was sitting under a tree by a river bank with his legs in the water while fishing for items and food. It was a peaceful day so he decided to take a brake from the who Steve stuff and have a day to himself. He's been there since dawn and now it is the afternoon, though Shark did not notice because he was too focus on the items he was getting. 

At one point when Shark felt a tug on his line, he almost was pulled in by what ever was on the end of his line. It was a game of tug and war until whatever at the end of the line tug hard enough for Shark to fall in. Which he almost did if someone had not levitated him and the fish on his line a few inches above the ground.

"This is a sight to see" A voice chuckled.

Shark look up to see the God of all Steves floating not too far from him "GS!?"

"Hello Shark" GS said. He put Shark down and unhook the fish and put it back in the river before floating down near Shark.

"Thanks for saving me from getting wet GS" Shark said as he packed up his belongs with GS's help.

"Anytime Shark" GS smiled.

"Hey do you want to have some lunch with me?" 

"Why not"

With that Shark and GS walk back to Shark's home not too far from where they were. Once they got there, Shark immediately went to work on lunch for both him and the Steve.

"Where would you like me to put your items?" GS asked looking around the human's house; it was nice and cozy.

"You can put them in my room, it's down the hallway you can't miss it" Shark said not looking at GS who did as Shark said.

It did not take long for GS to understand what Shark meant that he would not miss his room. Obviously it was the door with sharks and a sign reading 'Shark's Room' on the door. GS went in to see a decent size room with a bed, a dresser, a closet, and a nightstand. Pictures of Shark and his friends - Steves and humans alike - littered the walls. 

One picture caught the Steve's attention, it was a picture of him, Shark, Boss and Rainbow after the whole controversy with the two Steves. That was his favorite out of all of the ones with him and Shark: GS had an arm around Shark's waist while the human had an arm around him and Boss who had an arm around Shark and Rainbow. The reason GS had his arm around Shark's waist was to help steady him since Boss did not fully understand the affect the strength when he leaned on Shark and Rainbow almost causing Shark to fall.

When GS got a closer look at the picture, he notice that Shark was blushing, but from what the Steve did not know.

"GS, lunch is ready!" Shark yelled.

"Be there in a bit!" GS yelled back. He exit Shark's room forgetting that he was still holding the picture.

Shark greeted GS when he appeared from the hallway as he put the plated food on the table.

"Hope you like pork and carrots"

"That does sound satisfying" 

"Hey GS, what's that you're holding?" Shark pointed to the picture.

"Oh" GS finally remembering the picture, "I was looking at your pictures when this one caught my eye, I had momentarily forgotten that I still had it."

"What is it?" Shark peered over GS's shoulder and saw the picture, "O-Oh"

GS glanced at Shark who had a small blush, "Are you okay Shark? You're looking a bit red"

"I-I'm fine, must have spent too much time in the sun ha" Shark laughed nervously. Truth to be told, when GS held him that day, he felt his heart pick up speed.

"I see, after we eat you should cool down a bit" GS said as he put the picture on the coffee table while Shark sat down.

When GS walk by Shark, he stopped, leaned down to Shark's ear and whispered, "I've been alive for a long time, I know the difference between the affects of the sun and a blush Shark"

With that GS sat across Shark and started to eat while Shark blushed red as a tomatoe.


Word count: 770

Requests remaining: 0           

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