DarkPlague Part 2

418 5 11

Requested by MelissaC2000

I love Dadmare so much I don't know why!


The next day, Dark hasn't felt so good ever since he woke up in his room which he doesn't remember going to. He tried to play it off as though he was fine, unfortunately, Nightmare along with some of the servants who had grown fond of him went in mom/dad mood. It was when Dark collapsed in the library was when Nightmare order Dark to stay in his room with some guards outside to make sure no one gets in or out unless they had permission.

The reason for Dark falling ill all of a sudden was a mystery to everyone, including the doctors; however, one does know the answer to all of this. As much as Nightmare wanted to stay with Dark (his son), he had to continue his duties as king which means he had to rely on others telling him how the young Steve was doing.

If only seen how the new Steve was acting when he caught wind of the Dark Prince falling ill.

Plague plan worked, Dark was confined in his room with guards outside of his room who are easy to get rid of. The king was away for 'business' and no one was around to see what he'll be doing with the young prince.

Walking to Dark's room, Plague was stopped by the three guards in front of the room.

"What is your purpose here?" One spoke.

"I'm here to visit the Dark Prince" Plague answered.

"No one, but some are allowed in" Another said.

"And you are the last person to ever be allowed in" The third added.

"None please leave" The first said.

Plague hummed, he then touched the first and second guards since they were the closest.

"I think you should let me in and get yourself a drink"

Just like everyone Plague used his powers on, the two nodded and walked away leaving the last guard confused.

"What did you just do?!"

"Nothing" Plague touch the final guard, "That you'll remember, now go with your friends. I'll look after the Dark Prince and if the King asks, he is fine. Understand"

"Yes Lord Plague" The guard said before going after the others.

"Now" Plague smiled, "let's see how my prince is doing"

When the green/blue Steve opened the door, his eyes instantly lands on the black hair that was sticking up above the covers. Walk over to the bed, Plague pulled down the covers to reveal Dark laying on his side, face flushed, and panting.

"D-Dad?" Dark opened his eyes sensing someone near him, "Wh-Who?"

"Don't worry, I'm someone you're going to entertain" Plague smirk.

The blue/green Steve put a hand on Dark's shoulder getting a shiver and groan out of him.

"Your body is rejecting my infection" Plague said.

"I-Inf-fection?" Dark breathed.

Plague said nothing as he fully pulled the covers off Dark and took off his shirt. Underneath the clothing were green lines that went all around the Dark Prince's torso. Plague then lightly traced the lines getting Dark to involuntary shiver.

"Yes, you are one of the rare ones" Plague started to explained and not once taking his eyes off Dark's torso, "Most fall under my control imminently, others it takes some persuasion. There are few who are unaffected by my powers. Then there's Steves like you."

Plague got on top of Dark and pinned his wrists down, "There are those rare ones who fight my infection, and you my Dark Prince, your body's the reason you fell ill"

"M-Make I-it s-stop" Dark panted.

"As much as I like to my Dark Prince, my love to see you in this state is overpowering any other feeling"

"P-Please" Dark begged, "Please P-Plague, make it stop"

Plague smirk, "Who am I to denied such request?"

Lowering himself down to Dark's neck, Plague bit were a green line glowed and that caused Dark to let out a moan and arc his back.

"Do you like that?"

Dark bit his lip before he nodded.

"I need a verbal answer Dark" Plague smirk as he tightened his grip on the smaller Steve's wrist.

"Y-Yes Plague!"

"That's better" Plague said and kiss the same spot again.

Gathering both wrists in one hand, Plague used his now free hand to grab Dark's shirt that he discarded minutes ago.

"Do you want to be a good boy for Plague?"

Dark, unknowingly, nodded.

"Good, I'm going to let go of your wrists and they better stay put"

When Plague released Dark, Dark felt majority of his senses come back and tried to fight against Plague. He did not know what was happening, but what he did know is that Plague is not as he seems to be.

"Let me go!" Dark struggled, but quickly stopped when he felt a stinging sensation on his cheek. Tears pricked from his eyes, he never been slapped, not since he was taken in by Nightmare as a young child.

"I'm sorry Dark" Plague said touching the whimpering Steve's now red cheek, "But you were fighting me and that's not what good boys do"

Glaring at Plague, Dark yelled, "Get off me! What are you even doing here?!"

"Hmm, your body is winning against the infection" Plague frowned, "Guess we have to do this a different way"

"W-What are you talking about?"

Plague changed his and Dark's position so that Dark was sitting on his lap while Plague sat against the headboard. To stop Dark from getting away, Plague tied his hands with Dark's own shirt and wrap an arm around his waist. He then summoned a ball of green/blue light, Plague move it closer to Dark who was trying to get away from whatever it was. 

"Wh-What is that?! Get away from me!"

"Oh Dark, if only you stayed a good boy this wouldn't have happened. However, by you 

disobeying, you'll be more entertaining than ever"

Once the ball of light touch Dark's exposed chest, it went inside of him. Soon enough, Dark felt the effect of it.

"Wh-What?" Dark panted in a daze. The Steve felt he was in control yet he wasn't at the same time.

"Dark" Plague said getting the other's attention.


"Kiss me" Plague said,

Something in Dark's mind told him to do as the Steve says, that he'll ease him; however, there that small part that told him not to, but it was overpowered by the first feeling.

Placing his tied arms around Plague's neck, he pulled them into a kiss that Plague quickly dominated. After some time, they pulled away for air, but Plague got a second wind and started to leave marks all over Dark's neck and torso. Every spot Plague bit was a very sensitive spot to Dark as he made sounds he didn't know he could make.

"You're mine Dark Prince" Plague muttered across the now bruised skin, "You're my one and only entertainment" 

"I-I" Dark tried to speak, but words would not form.

"Say it Dark and let the infection talk control"

"I-I'm yo-"

"Get your hands off my son!"


Before anyone says anything, Plague did not Force Mark Dark, he's using his power of influence and minipulation to get what he wants.

Word count: 1215

Requests remaining: 15

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