Spinel: Y/N, please stop!!
Y/N: I'll never stop till you are shattered!

He then began to walk towards with one of his hands beginning to glow purple.

Spinel: I said STOP!!!

I then grew angry and swung at him, hitting him in his cheek. I turned back and saw him face me, more angered than before. Y/N then suddenly shot out some vines from his left hand that I remember seeing from his story long ago. The vines formed into a giant hand and pinned me to the ground, keeping me from moving. The vines then began to move, showing my gem but still keeping me immobile. Y/N walked towards me before kneeling down and showing his right hand, which began to shoot out some vines before creating a massive thorn with it. The thorn then began to spin rapidly, acting like a drill. Y/N then aimed at my gem before readying his hand, to which I panicked.

Spinel: W-Wait! Please don't this!!

Y/N only looked at me unamused before replying.

Y/N: I never needed you...

I closed my eyes, ready for my end, only for nothing to happen. I felt the vines come off, making me open my eyes cautiously and see that Y/N was no longer there, instead, there were many butterflies, they were glowing and were in a huge crowd. They swarmed me, making me more panicked and worried before I saw a bright light to the side.


I heard Y/N speak in a concerned tone from the light.

Spinel: Y/N?

I pushed passed the crowd of butterflies and began to walk into the light, it got brighter until I couldn't see my myself anymore, I only saw white until we- I? opened my eyes...

???'s pov

I opened my eyes despite the bright glow I still created, seeing... Y/N's room. Wait... I felt uneasy and began to...unfuse?

Y/N's pov

I broke apart from the fusion and landed on my butt, it almost worked but it failed. I looked to Spinel's gem only to see... Spinel rubbing her head?

Y/N: Spinel?

Spinel then looked up at me surprised, I guess she was wondering what happened. I smiled and walked up to her to give her a hug, but she backed off.

Y/N: Spinel?

I grew concerned since Spinel looked like she had seen something scary, though she soon sighed and walked up and hugged me.

Spinel: I'm sorry... I just saw some things while I was in my gem and I don't feel rather pleasant about it...

I could feel something went on my shoulder, signaling she was crying. I decided to help her and began to glow.

Y/N: It's alright, I can take your mind off of it.

I began showing her some memories of us having fun and such. I couldn't tell, but I had a feeling that she was smiling.

The Bright Side  (Male sunflower reader x spinel)Where stories live. Discover now