Part Thirty-Three: Chapter 255: Activated

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Two months have passed since Harley's child was born. Her body had completely returned to normal, with the exception of the horizontal scar on her lower abdomen. It served as a painful daily reminder that she had no clue where her baby was or if it was ok. Had she been adopted? Was someone else holding her and bonding with her? It was enough to make Harley wish she were dead, but she already knows that suicide wasn't an option.

Or was it?

It was humid and cloudy, a thunderstorm had just passed over Belle Reve, leaving Harley feeling clammy. She was sitting in her cage on the hard concrete floor when a buzzer sounded and six armed guards in full SWAT gear come into the bay that held her cage. She was prepared for this. She had been for weeks. During her stay in the infirmary she had fashioned a shank from a toothbrush, something that her Mistah J had taught her. She quickly pulled it from her mouth and throat and stuffed it in her pants.

The guards were leery of Harley. Every time they came into contact with her one or more were always injured. So Harley's ingenious idea was that she could force the guards into killing her. However, she does not yet know that Jason has already bought the Alpha asshole guard. But quite soon she would find out.

"Hands in the air! Now!!"

Harley rises from her seated position and onto her knees. A move that causes every gun pointed at her to cock. "Ok, ok. I'm cooperatin. I'm cooperatin." She says throwing her hands up. And she wait. Waited for them to come into her cell. She was ready. She attacked. She sliced opens guards throat with her toothbrush shank. She readied herself for a barrage of bullets as she continued to fight.

"Don't fire that weapon!" Alpha asshole Griggs began shouting at his men. "Do not fire that weapon!"

A guard quickly brings out a tazer and fires it into Harley. She goes rigid and hits the concrete. This so wasn't how she had imagined things going down. She can't help but laugh at her own failure to properly get herself killed. It was like literally impossible for her to die. What the hell did a girl have to do to get shot?? Like seriously?

They strap her into a wheelchair. She is restrained at her ankles, knees, wrists, chest and head. Then they wheel her through the prison. She eventually sees people in doctors coats and full personal protective face gear. Was she having surgery or something? She watches on the best she can as a briefcase is opened up. It read a Ross it, Van Criss Laboratories. A strange gunlike object was removed.

"Whut is that?" She asked, but noone said a word. A woman approached her with the gun thing in her hand. "Hey I'm talkin ta you. I'm talkin ta you." The gun was pressed to the side of her neck. Harley screams out in pain as something is fired into her skin.

After that Harley sees the same woman who had visited her in the prison. The fearless lady who said she just might be the devil. The woman had talked to her about some group of criminals she wanted to put together for national security. At the time Harley hadn't put very weight on the woman's words. But now she sees yet another way to end her life. And for some strange reason, that made Harley almost giddy.

Griggs walks beside Harley as she is wheeled to a waiting chopper. " They're transferring you out of here. I don't know where." He slides a phone into her hand, "It's from Mr. J. You're gonna tell him that I took care of you, right?"

A smile spread across her face as she looks at him the best she could with a restrained head. "You are so screwed."

Griggs's heart drops. "What do you mean by that?" But Harley only laughs. "Wait. Harley. What do you mean by that??"

She was loaded onto the chopper. As it flew to an unknown destination she looked down at the phone concealed in the palm of her hand. She honestly didn't know who would be on the receiving end. Would it be Jason, or the real Mistah J? Either way, she felt like she had a shred of hope to cling to now. Either way, she would be rescued. Once she was free she would find her baby.

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