Part Twenty-Nine: Chapter 219: Close Call

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Jason paces the floor of the office. He had used the information he had gotten from the classified file that the Riddler hacked into for him. It appeared as if this Amanda Waller was putting together a team of criminals, something called Project X. It resonated in Jason that this woman planned to send in these criminals to do missions that were seemingly impossible, or of extreme risk. These criminals were nothing but lamb's being led to the slaughter. They were like sacrificial soldiers, their only true defense was their will to survive.

This Amanda Waller had somehow gotten government clearance to assemble this team, her Project X Force. She was recruiting them and getting their participation by promising that time would be shaved off their sentences. But what was ten years off a life sentence? Some of them had multiple life sentences. She seemed to choose them for whatever special skills they could bring to the team. Expert marksmen, skilled thieves, even a metahuman who could control fire, but Harley had no skillset to offer. She was a decent shot, and a pretty good fighter, but she didn't compare to the rest of the team. Jason didn't want her getting involved in something so dangerous.

But one thing was odd, this Amanda Waller didn't appear to have a file on Harley. Which led Jason to ask if she even had her at all? So Jason sent in the clowns to search each prison that this Amanda Waller had been to. Each of them reported back with no news of Harley. Jason's first thought was that Bruce had lied to him. He assumed that the bat had taken her to Arkham, lying about it because he knew how easily she could be broken out of there. So Jason sent a clown to Arkham Asylum. But they returned, saying that she wasn't there.

Now Jason was back at square one again. He had no knowledge whatsoever about Harley. Where was she? She didn't just vanish without a trace. She was out there somewhere. And Jason knew Bruce knew more than he had told him. He was such a bad liar that Jason is mad at himself for believing him. Why did hindsight always have to be 20/20? Jason wanted to strangle Bruce. He wanted to cut off his air for eight consecutive minutes. He wanted him to pay for his lies about Harley. There's two things you shouldn't fuck with. A man's money and a man's pussy.

With a growl Jason turns on his heels and storms out of the office. Frost and Ace look up. "We're going for a ride boys," he tells them on his march to the door. Frost and Ace jump up and follow Jason to the elevator. They get into a pearl colored SUV.

Frost drives, as Jason directs him on turns from the passenger seat

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Frost drives, as Jason directs him on turns from the passenger seat.

"Boss, where we goin?" Ace asks from the back seat.

Jason is loading his gun. He slams the full clip into the gun and quickly cocks it, putting a bullet in the chamber. He then slides it back into his shoulder harness. He taps some cocaine onto his hand and snorts hard. He wipes his nose, "Wayne Manor," he dryly says and turns his stare out the window.

"Wayne Manor?" Frost questions. "Why there?" He didn't need to experience the back lash of the richest man in Gotham. Jason's track record hasn't been great, therefore Frost immediately expected the worse.

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