Part Twenty-Nine: Chapter 220: Sympathy For The Devil

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The Joker's physical therapy was slow at best. He had been strength training for months now and he could only bench press eighty pounds so far. How could he get up and walk away from that bed and this place if he was as weak as a kitten? Being on ice for a year had made him lose all of his muscles. It took all he had just to stand. But he couldn't put one foot in front of the other and walk. It felt like his legs couldn't hold his body weight.

"Alright J, I need you to grab the railing," Jake says as he stands behind  J in a wheelchair.

The Joker hesitates. He's grown frustrated with trying to do these seemingly simple tasks. It wasn't dignified. He had been trying with all his might, but his stupid body was asleep on the job. He didn't like being in a wheelchair. They drew attention and fake sympathy. His appearance drew enough attention. He vows to himself that when he leaves this place, he won't leave it in a wheelchair. He would walk away from this place.

"J? Is anybody home?" Jake waves his hand in front of the Joker's face as he tries to disturb his trance.

The Joker blinks. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I told you to grab the railing," Jake tells him.

The Joker does and starts to pull himself upright. Jake was right there, ready to catch him if he falls. As the Joker stood he looked down at his feet. He tried to will them to walk. He tried to focus all of his anger and frustrations to just take a step. That's all he wanted, just one lousy step. He slowly removes his hands from the railing. And for the first time he stood without Jake's assistance.

"Look at you, you're standing," Jake smiles.

"It's not like I've cured world hunger Jake," the Joker rolls his eyes

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"It's not like I've cured world hunger Jake," the Joker rolls his eyes.

"This is a good sign J. Stop downplaying it," Jake tells him.

"Standing doesn't feel like much of an achievement," the Joker sighs.

"Well it is. You're only one step away from walking. This is an extremely exceptional event. This is the kind of news to be celebrating J," Jake says with far more enthusiasm than the Joker feels this deserves.

"And who do I have to celebrate with? My wife is at Wayne Manor. My top two henchmen, that I consider friends, are guarding our half brother. Even Ivy is elsewhere today. And Freeze, I barely know him," the Joker says, feeling his legs starting to quiver.

"You have me," Jake tells him. He looks down at the Joker's legs and can see them trembling. "Ok, sit back down. Your legs are done for right now. Let's hit the weights, then you can come back this and stand again."

The Joker plops down in the wheelchair. "I barely know you too."

"We're twins J. You know me far better than you realize," Jake says and stands behind the wheelchair. He starts to push it over to the weights.

"We are a world apart dear brother. Haven't you read the file on me? I move guns and drugs. I bomb buildings. I'm a thief. Arsonist. I kill people," the Joker sighs.

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