45 | happily ever after...

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MY HEART WAS hammering so rapidly in my chest that I could see hear the blood pulsating in my ears after the confession that Amelia Grayson had said to me and all I could think about was what did you say, what did you say on a constant loop that I...

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MY HEART WAS hammering so rapidly in my chest that I could see hear the blood pulsating in my ears after the confession that Amelia Grayson had said to me and all I could think about was what did you say, what did you say on a constant loop that I couldn't focus on anything else that she said,  it was just a constant loop of the three words that Amelia had told me until I eventually snapped back into reality and looked up at the blonde girl, my heart nearly exploding in my chest and my stomach doing flip flops and black flies as I whispered

"I think I love you too" I said turning beet red and tried to hide my blush behind my hair but once  again Amelia moves my hair out the way and looks at me a grin playing on her lips as she comes closer and closer to me, her lips just inches away from mine as she brushes them against mine, the kiss starts slow and intimate but soon it grows more hot and Amelia licks my lips asking for entrance and I immediately comply and our tongues mix with one another until we had to pull apart for breath

"You do?" Amelia asks, excitement flooding her features

I nod my head and she pulls me in for another strong kiss and reluctantly because of oxygen we have to pull away and that's when Amelia pulls out her phone and checks the time before she sighs and puts her hands in mine and pulls me up from the sofa causing me to stumble forward a little due to the force that she put behind the pull and we laugh about it as she catches me to steady myself 

"Perhaps we should go to bed, you're so tired that you can't even stand up right" Amelia chuckled but the truth was I wasn't tired I was too buzzed and my heart was still hammering so loudly in my ears so loudly to even think about sleep but I can tell that Amelia was quite tired and who wouldn't be after picking up a toddler and carrying him up metal stairs and then make out with her girlfriend? So I nod my head before giving her another kiss on the temple and wishing her a goodnight.

* * * * * 

In the morning my stomach was still flip flopping and I couldn't be happier as I felt once in my life and it's bliss, for once I can worry about me and only me because for all my life I've had worry about my mom's episodes and while it didn't bother me when I was younger, it got a little bit more annoying as I got older but as much as it annoyed me I did try to help her and make her much more comfortable although it was often really hard because she did see me as my dead twin Hazel and it often led me to having multiple panic attacks and breakdowns 

For that my Dad will honestly be the better person because no matter how testing Mom can be during these times and Dad has never lost his temper or had a breakdown, he was always patient with her and never raised her voice, even when she once accidentally hurt him hitting him by accident in the fit of her episode 

Now I understand it was because he loved her

I went down stairs and down the hall to check on Amelia and see how she was doing but when I knocked on the door I heard a muffled 'Come in' and I immediately push open the door to see Matthew wrestling with Amelia as she tried to put on his pants

"Need help?" I chuckled as I watch the scene unfold 

Turning to me Amelia wiped her forehead before greeting me and nodding her head, I chuckled as I closed the door over ran over to help "Alright you hold him down and I will try and get his pants on. No -- Matthew! I need you to stay still"

"No!" Matthew exclaims going red in the face in anger

"Yes! If you want to go to nursery anytime to day, we need to get your pants on or your going to make me late to school again and I really cant afford to be late otherwise I'm going to have a detention and if I get one more I'll be suspended" Amelia sighed obviously getting frustrated with her baby brother 

"No!" Matthew yells again

"What's going on girls?" A voice asks that was laced with sleep and I turn around to see Dad leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest "You do realise you have to be at school in an hour?"

"Yes we know --" I start

"But Matthew won't put his pants on and I can't take him to nursery if he won't put his pants on, his nursery teacher has already told me that he cant do that again" Amelia sighs turning to Dad "I know we have to go to school however I still have to get him dressed and he's being stubborn and then I still have to take him to nursery before I get to school myself"

"Don't worry we'll take care of him" Dad chuckles, shaking his head walking closer into the room and picking up Matthew and as soon as he does Matthew wraps his legs around Dad's waist leaving Dad with a free arm to pick up his Matthew's pants "You girls just get ready for school and we'll see you guys when you come home"     

"Thank you Mr Walker but you really dont have to do this, Matthew is my responsibility" Amelia tells him and then I start laughing, when will she realise that she is part of the family too and family take care of each other?

"You are part of this family" I tell her firmly

"Really?" She asks shock colouring her tone

"Yes, you idiot" I laugh as I pull her in for a strong kiss

My life wasn't perfect far from it but it was my happily ever after and I was okay with that

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