13 | building a sturdy foundation...

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AMELIA GRAYSON WAS quickly becoming a solid foundation in my life as she was the one person who saw the broken side of me and didn't run or turn her back on me when I needed help instead she held me when I broke down, shushing me and calming me do...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

AMELIA GRAYSON WAS quickly becoming a solid foundation in my life as she was the one person who saw the broken side of me and didn't run or turn her back on me when I needed help instead she held me when I broke down, shushing me and calming me down and it was unnerving because I've never had a real friend before, the closest people in my life was probably my parents and even then I felt so alone some times like. they were there but I couldn't reach out to them

And that's why I liked Amelia as a friend and as a person because she was a funny kindhearted girl that wore her scars (visible and emotional) like medals which is for so long what I've been afraid to do for so long but she was making me see that I just needed to be more confident in myself

"I'm sorry about last week" I apologise for what could be the millionth time as the thought of me crying suddenly struck me and I turned to face Amelia who only rolled her eyes at me like she had done every time I tried to apologise for my embarrassing behaviour last week but this time a slightly pissed off look shone brightly in her eyes but it dimmer when she began to speak

"Remember what I told you last week Taylor" Her voice was soft but still had an air of authority to it and because of that I felt compelled to listen to her next words "We're all human, crying is a way to let out all the negative emotions that have built up inside of you as long as you don't hold onto all the negativity and use it as a way to punish yourself or others then it is okay to cry and act how you did last week all of it is completely normal behaviour for a person, let alone a a teenager that has gone through as much as you have so suck it up and stop being sorry and instead say 'yeah okay I had a bit of a wobble last week but how do I build on it? And how can I become a better person because of it'"

Her words were like a punch to the gut and I stumble back a little as I take her words in unblinking as I look at her face and her ivory like skin and her blonde naturally. wavy hair that she straightened today she noticed my reaction and her authority tone dropped as she said "I'm just stating the truth" She states crossing her arms over unblinking "as you've never had a friend it is my job to teach you the rules of friendship and the first rule is that you always tell the truth to your friend no matter how hurtful or harming that truth could be"

I feel tears run down my eyes. Did she really consider me a friend?

"Hey don't cry rule number two is that you can't have your friend in tears because of something the other friend said or did alright that isn't allowed" She smiles as scolds me softly "Now why don't we watch Netflix or something instead of doing bio revision?"

We were holed up in my room after school on a Friday and Amelia had come over again and we were meant to be doing revision like I told my parents we would do as we had a big biology final in less than a fortnight but neither of us really wanted to do revision on a Friday night anyway but I especially didn't want to do it after the talk I had with my first real friend

"Yeah that sounds good" I tell her flopping onto my bed next to her

Amelia snatches the remote control from my nightstand as I position myself more comfortably as the Netflix loading screen comes on and she waits a moment before choosing my profile and scrolling through the options

"What do you want to watch?" She asks continuing scrolling through titles

"The Chilling adventures of Sabrina has a new season coming out a couple of days ago and I still need to catch up with season one before I can watch season two" I tell her before asking, "have you watched it yet?"

"Yes" She admits and upon seeing my expression she continued "But I'll watch it again, I missed the adventures of quirky Ambrose in season one" then she switched the lights off and started up the episode from where I left off


Time ran on and two hours later we were still watching Netflix it was dark out and was probably way past midnight but we didn't care because we were glued to our seats but that was ruined when the door to my bedroom creaked open leaving me to nearly fall off my bed in surprise Amelia grabbed me and steadied me though and when I looked towards the door I saw my mother look at me with calculating  eyes

"How long have you been in here watching Netflix?" She asks tone slightly amused and I knew she knew

"Two hours" I admit heat flushing my face with a pinky colour

"Well you two should really get some sleep because we're going somewhere tomorrow something that your dad and I think may actually help me with all this flashback nonsense it's a new place that just opened up and it's a couple of hours out of state so we probably will stay there over the weekend but this could be step one on a long road to recovery" my mother informs me a slight smile on her face and I can't help my grin after all these years my mother would get the help she needed if the place was any good

"That's great mom" I tell her

"Yeah congrats Mrs Walker" Amelia chimed in "if you didn't mind can you show me to the bathroom?"

"Yeah come on" mom says and I can faintly hear directions being given as something next  to me catches my eye a phone lightening up with a notification I assumed it was a text or something as she said something about texting her mom to see if she could stay the night so I picked it up but bloody hell I was wrong

From: Boss👿
All is going according to plan you just have to be the bitches friend for a while longer
Sent: 00:05
Received: 00: 06

Broken Fragmentsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें