19 | dodged calls

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MY PHONE RANG, for the tenth time in twenty minutes and for the tenth time I ignore the call turning to look out the window instead and I see Dad look at me through the rear view mirror watching me carefully and closely but he doesn't actually say...

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MY PHONE RANG, for the tenth time in twenty minutes and for the tenth time I ignore the call turning to look out the window instead and I see Dad look at me through the rear view mirror watching me carefully and closely but he doesn't actually say anything until my phone rings again bringing it to a grand total of eleven times in twenty two freaking minutes 

"You going to answer the phone?" Dad asks raising his eyebrows "Or are you just going to keep glaring at your screen?"

I shrug noncommittally as I shift my gaze from my phone to the driver and hold his gaze as he looks closely trying to figure out what was going on in my brain "You had a falling out with someone" He says it wasn't a guess or a stab in the dark, it was a fact, he continued "You know I had a falling out with someone when I was your age. His name was Hunter". Sometimes I really do hate that I have a close relationship with my dad and that he went through shit like being left out and misunderstood as a kid because now he can take one look and sniff out what is wrong with me like some kind of greyhound

It's really annoying sometimes 

Once again I shrug, not really in the mood to start up a conversation about why I am in a mood but Dad doesn't let it slide easily and turns his head for a split second to look at me after changing lanes and doesn't see the blinding headlights that are charging towards us. I scream his name and his head whips around to look at the road in front of him faster than I could blink but by then it is too late, the food delivery truck slams into our car making it shake and bed out of shape. I scream Dad's name again but this time get no response and I start to feel dizzy as my head hits the side of the window and I'm jerked forward in my seat and the seatbelt cuts into my neck almost strangling me as the air bag is released 

And the last thing I see before I slip into the land of unconsciousness is Amelia Greyson's name flashing across the screen and a party ringtone playing through the speakers of my phone 

* * * *

The first sense to come back to me is hearing I hear the faint steady beating of something and yet I am unable to make out what the sound was when I strain to hear what else I can hear sirens are also a sound which makes my ears ache and want to recoil but I can't move, at least not yet. The final thing I could hear was a soft voice which seemed to drown out all of the other noise "Can you hear me? Can you tell me date it is"

I try to mumble an reply but it just comes out as incoherent grumble

"We're losing her! We're loosing her!" I hear someone shout as I once again go unconscious 

* * * *

The next time I wake up I more aware of my senses and still the only sense that comes back to me in that moment is hearing this time though I don't hear sirens only the steady faint beating from before which I still can't identify

Next comes taste that one I'm sure of because its the strongest sense that I have so far simply because I cant taste anything and when I try to swallow my mouth my throat aches and hurts and screams out for me to stop 

After taste comes smell and thats one of the most identifiable simply because it is hard to do so I don't know quite what is making it so hard to breathe but I know it is 

After smell comes touch and I can feel scratchy sheets underneath my fingertips and I'm slowly coming to the realisation that I am in the hospital but my head feels to weighed down and like mush to figure out why but the reason I couldn't breathe could be because of the oxygen tube between my lips and my nose and it is confirmed that an oxygen tube is on me when I reach out and touch it, that it is indeed a oxygen tube and the faint beating would make sense if the hospital was measuring my heart rate and vitals 

Finally the last thing to come is sight my eyelids are heavy and it feels like anvils are sitting on them but slowly they crack open pushing away the sleep and gunk that was left on them and I am greeted with a stark white light shining in my eyes causing me to blink a few times in order to get used to the new lighting  

"Are you alright sweetheart?" A voice floats to my ears causing me to turn my head slightly and look over to see a nurse watching me closely who had long raven locks and smooth coco skin. with warm brown eyes she seemed like the loving older sister who would have your back if you needed her to. She flashed me a small reassuring smile which settled  my nerves just a little bit 

"W-Why am I here?" I ask, my voice croaky and hoarse from the oxygen tube

She makes her way over to the bed perching on the end of it carefully trying to not sit on my legs she reaches her hand out and takes mine in her own "You were in a bad car crash honey and you hit you're head on one of the window causing you to have some internal bleeding on the brain which should go down in time but you may experience some short term memory which again should pass when the swelling on your brain goes down and you have a punctured lung and bruising on your neck and throat from where the seatbelt cut into you. All in all you are very lucky however we're going to keep you in for a few days for observation"

"Is my dad alright?"

I feel my had curl around the sheets in a state on panic to which the kind nurse notices and uncurls my fingers before placing my other hand in her hand and she speaks to me not like a child but with a tenderness you would use on said child "Your dad's fine Taylor a sprained wrist and a few fractured ribs but he's doing well worried as hell bout you though"

"Can you pass me my phone?"

The nurse nods and hands me my phone carefully helping me up into a more comfortable sitting position before asking me whether I needed anything else when I shake my head she doesn't pry and turns to leave but just as she reaches the door she turns back to me "Well if you do need anything ask for Hayley" 

With that Hayley leaves and I find myself searching in my contacts for the one name I didn't think I'd ever call again.

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