22 | park bench chats

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A QUICK GLANCE across the small playground was all it took for me to spot my five year old curly haired brother as he attempted to climb on the wooden frame to get to the slide attached to it 

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A QUICK GLANCE across the small playground was all it took for me to spot my five year old curly haired brother as he attempted to climb on the wooden frame to get to the slide attached to it 

"He yours?" A voice grabbed my attention making my snap my eyes from the boy to the source of the voice who was sitting next to me on the worn down park bench, the women, had curly red hair cut into an uneven bob but somehow she managed to make it work and warn, wide, kind brown eyes that further emphasised her angelic like features

I shake my head "No, he's my brother" I state getting at what she was referring to

"Oh I'm so sorry" She squeaked putting her hand over her chest before letting her voice drop to her normal tone "I just assumed -- I mean I shouldn't have assumed because assuming can lead to things besides I learned long ago never to assume things. I just -- I don't know why I said that, ignore me" The women who looked to be in her mid thirties then shook her head and looked down to the ground a blush colouring her cheeks

I laugh "It's alright you don't have to be sorry, you're not the first to say that"

"Still it was wrong of me, I'm sorry" She apologises yet again and if I had just heard her voice and didn't put a face to it, I would have assumed the women in front of me was a quirky and awkward teenager not a grown women in her mid thirties

"It's alright" I reassure her "So what are you doing at a kid's playground"

"I like to draw" The women admits holding up a sketchpad and some pens that I hadn't noticed she had before "I find the park is an ideal place to just let my creativity run wild and it's quiet because not many people know where the park is, so I get peace that way I can prefect my craft and why I am here at a 'Kid's playground' as you put it is because I love drawing inspiration from them they are a lot more entertaining and fun to draw than adults can be as they give off an sense of innocence plus I love kids and I come here a lot and some of the kids who come here regularly have started to interact with me and I hear the funniest stories from them sometimes"

The redhead who quietly slipped back into a world of her own was quite a character and I would have been convinced that the women was a real life Luna Lovegood had she been a blonde instead of the striking ginger she was. She just had that air of mystery and innocence about her like she couldn't harm a fly, her voice as well as her mannerisms reminded me of the fictional blonde character as she spoke slow and airy like she had all the time in the world

"I'm Mackenzie," She stated in her soft voice "though I prefer to be called Kenzie"

"Amelia" I tell her but she just nods her head as if this wasn't new information for her

"I know who you are" Mackenzie answers just as soft as last time "You've been in the newspapers quite a few times with your affiliation with a certain blonde who is quite famous around these parts"

"I've been in the papers?" I asked surprise colouring my tone

"Of course," Mackenzie says "You seem quite friendly with Taylor Philips Walker"

"Yes I was" I admit smiling as memories threaten to overtake me and of that time when we got into a water fight and I ended up dumping a whole bottle of water over her head drenching her and leaving her to scream as she chased after me in sopping wet clothes and then I shook my head clearing the memory and further clarifying "But I don't think she wants to be friends with me anymore"

"Everything that was broken can be fixed if someone puts in a a little effort"

I tilt my head in confusion and raise my eyebrow not quite understanding what the quirky redhead meant but it didn't seem she noticed as she slipped back into her work just as quickly as she did before. I wait for a minute thing this women would explain herself further but she never did so in the end I awkwardly ask "Kenzie, what did you mean?"

"Everything that was broken can be fixed if someone puts in a little effort" She repeats and I almost slam my head against the park bench I was getting annoyed with Mackenzie's airy mysterious and slightly naive personality now don't get me wrong I think she is one of the most understanding people I know (even though we just had a short conversation spanning ten minutes maximum) and is caring, kind and observant but why can't she tell me what the fuck she really means

"But what do you mean?"

"You like Taylor don't you?" Mackenzie asks completely ignoring my question

"Yes," I say "of course I do"

"No, no, no" Mackenzie says, shaking her head back and fourth and making the curls on her head bounce from side to side "No, I mean don't you like as more than a friend as a potential romantic partner?"

I freeze like I had be caught out, it wasn't like I was closeted in fact I was very open about my sexuality and the fact that I like both girls and boys and see them as attractive in 'more than a friend' kind if way. It just doesn't come up in general conversation so I tend not to tell people plus I would like people to see me for me and not just me sexuality. I slowly nod thinking back to the time when I first shook her head "Yes, but I doubt she feels the same way, she's straight as far as I know"

Mackenzie smiles softly "You never know unless you ask her" and with that she picks up her stuff and leaves me alone on the park bench my thoughts running a million different things in a minute   

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