04. | partners

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 THE FIRST THING, I noticed about Taylor Philips is how soft her skin felt and I know it was a weird thing to note but it was the first thing I noticed about my target

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THE FIRST THING, I noticed about Taylor Philips is how soft her skin felt and I know it was a weird thing to note but it was the first thing I noticed about my target. I stared into those round hazel eyes. Those eyes were broken and tired and half sunken but they also held hope and I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to get rid of that hope after all she was a person not just my target

But I had to do it for my brother

"So...I'll show you around the school...Can I see your schedule and I can see who you have for homeroom?" Taylor says after a few minutes pulling me out of my thoughts and I realised that I was still gripping onto her hand so I awkwardly ripped my hand away from her quite harshly and dropped my hands at my side before digging in my pocket and pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and pressing it into her hand

"You have homeroom with Mr White in room 909 which just so happens to be my homeroom" Taylor tells me and I try to look surprised I knew this was Mr Philips doing and I know it wasn't just my homeroom with my target -- I shared every single class with her -- so I could keep an eye on her "In fact I share every class with you!" She exclaims raising her eyebrows in surprise

"Weird" I mumble but it wasn't convincing to my ears but she seemed convinced

"Yeah yeah anyway lets start the tour" Taylor drawls and I could see how much tiredness was taking over her body and yet she always has a little spark in her eyes and a little smirk in the corners of her mouth

"What you don't want to show me around?" I joke and forced a bright smile on my face

"No it's not that it's just I didn't get much sleep last night" She smiles a little but it is as forced as my own, she's been doing this a long time so her smiles seem genuine but really because I've been playing this game longer than she has so I know when a smile is genuine and when one is fake

"If you're too tired, I can get someone else to show me around" I say hoping that she would refuse and show me around herself and it wasn't just because I was supposed to keep an eye on her, it was hard to explain but I didn't want her to leave me just yet

"No" She states bringing a genuine smile to my face "I'll take you, come along now"

* * *

The morning came and went in a blur after the tour with Taylor, and now I was sat in 5th period Science with the old man with long greying hair and a pot belly who also reminds me of Wish Realm Hook from the Netflix show ONCE UPON A TIME (judge me all you want, but you spend your time bouncing from foster home to foster home and you learn that the only people you can rely on is yourself and made up fantasy characters) and it took everything in me not to yell out "I see you Hook Emma is waiting for you"

Now the teacher that I'm going to name Mr. Hook (because I don't know what his real name is) is babbling on about something I tuned out when he first opened his mouth because A) I've already completed high school so I don't need to learn anything new and B) I've got a target to look after

My eyes slide over to my target who had her head down on the desk, snoring ever so slightly bye was unseen by Mr. Hook, she must have gotten little to none sleep last night as she'd slept through most of her periods never once being seen by a teacher because as I figured out she likes to hang out in the back to middle rows depending on the classroom but what woke her was a heavy fist banging on the table near hear and she woke up with a starting snort

"Good to see you join us again Ms Philips" Mr Hook states before swiftly moving on "Now for your semester project you will need to get into pairs and you will write an essay on one good thing you have done in life, one good thing you want to do with your partner and one good thing you will do in the future and you'll have plenty of time to do this project as it is not due in until the middle of next month so no excuses when it comes to handing the essay in"

He then rattled off a few names until he read off the one name I was paired with "Ms Philips and Ms Grayson..." Mr Hook trailed off and I for the first time today was surprised because I knew that there were many things that Mr Philips could do but changing a teachers mind to was nothing he could do

Taylor looked at me her eyes wide and tired as she looks at me slowly she begins to move towards me until she is standing in front of me books in hand and the girl next to me looked at Taylor and quickly hurried away , Taylor sighed like she was used to this and sat down next to me "Hey partner!" She drawled

"Partner" I mimicked her, smiling at her to which she smirked back and right then I knew she was going to be in my life for better of for worst I didn't know yet but I suppose I was in it for the long game simply because I didn't have any other choice I had to Mr Philips made sure of that the day he took my brother

Broken FragmentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora