27 | explanations

22 1 9

"I'LL SEE YOU later Amelia" I tell the blonde girl as we stand at the door, two hours had passed by of  Amelia and I trying to explain to Elliot Walker that Amelia Grayson was not a bad guy and yes while she did some bad things it was for the righ...

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"I'LL SEE YOU later Amelia" I tell the blonde girl as we stand at the door, two hours had passed by of  Amelia and I trying to explain to Elliot Walker that Amelia Grayson was not a bad guy and yes while she did some bad things it was for the right reasons and while that didn't justify what she did it also helped to know that her heart was in the right place.

Amelia nods and I find myself wanting to reach out to kiss her but I find myself a little bit too shy to do it in front of my dad as he was only standing a few feet behind them so I ended up doing a awkward handshake with her that left her looking at me like I had grown three heads and I gave her a look so her so she would know not to say anything, before she leaves she gives me another nod and tells my dad goodbye before leaving us alone

"Bloody hell I thought we had finished with this eighteen years ago when the bastard was put in prison, I tried so hard to get her to help your mom I really did but nothing I ever did was good enough and now we're facing the bastard that gave her nightmares for months and still give her nightmares to this day which no amount of therapy or money seems to help and now we have to deal with the son of a bitch again. This is going to destroy her" I heard dad say as he walked into the living room before putting his head in between his hands and sighing

"You did all you can it's not your fault that bastard--" Dad shot my a sharp look and I sighed before moving into the living room in order to sit next to him and I wrapped my arms around him to bring him into a hug before I started speaking again "Look it isn't your fault and knowing that her no good father is back on the streets will probably set her back again and make her have more episodes but here's the bottom line whatever happens we're going to be here for every step of the way like we've always done alright?"

Dad nods his head "When did you get so wise?"

"I've always been wise" I grin at him "You just haven't noticed"

"Why you're just little miss clever clogs aren't you" Dad shakes his head

"Glad you finally noticed" I say to him which causes dad to scoop me up in his arms like I was a little girl again as he sits me on my knee before ruffling my hair making me attempt to swat his head away as I attempted to soothe my hair down so it wasn't sticking up at odd angles before shooting the man that raised me a dirty look but Dad just laughs and digs his fingers in my side me squeal in delight as I try to slap his knee in attempt to get him to let me go

He finally relents and releases me from the torture of being tickled but I don't make a move to get off his knee instead I just sit there and close my eyes and for a moment I was a little girl, curled up onto my mom's knee as she soothed me to sleep whispering in my ear about how she would always keep me safe and let nothing happen to me not after she couldn't protect Savannah Philips

But here I am without the protection of my mother as she is right where the son of a bitch Ellis Philips wanted her and I knew that if we didn't play our cards right one wrong move could end in disaster and we can't afford that -- after all we have too much to lose and in the mean time mom is still none the wiser that this is all happening beneath her very nose and I know that we should probably tell her sooner or later but I don't think anyone wants to burst the bubble that she has put herself in and the bubble that has protected her for so long especially since from what I heard from dad she is doing so well in the facility 

"Taylor!" My Dad exclaimed and I opened my eyes and looked up at him to see him frowning at me before he speaks  "I've been calling your name for a few minutes and you still haven't answered where is your head at?"

"Sorry ... I was just thinking, what did you want to ask me?"

"I was just wondering what you and Amelia's relationship because you seemed close but also quite awkward when you were saying goodbye to her and it brought me back to when your mom and I started dating and you seemed to be getting closer with her recently so what's going on there?" Dad asks me and immediately my gaze drops to the ground and I start to clam up as my cheeks go slightly red from embarrassment before I finally find the confidence to look my dad in the eye. His brown eyes arm warm and open and I know I can tell him anything 

"I kind of ... like her as more than a friend ... is that okay?"

Even though my voice was so quiet and I wasn't sure if my Dad had heard me or not, I hear the man chuckle beside me and immediately my whole body is flooded with relief "Of course it it darling, you like who you like and I'm not going to hold it against you, just like I said to my sister Jess who came out as pansexual a few years ago, I'm not going to love you any less because of the people you like and in my eyes you are my daughter and as long as I know your trying your hardest in whatever you do in life then I will support you every step of the way"

Broken FragmentsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon