12 | we're only human

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"UHH" I HEARD and I knew Taylor was waking up after being passed out, she had only been passed out for about twenty or so minutes

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"UHH" I HEARD and I knew Taylor was waking up after being passed out, she had only been passed out for about twenty or so minutes. But still every minute felt like an hour, when she dropped to the floor I didn't quite know how to react after all I hadn't witnessed too many people faint in my presence so I was confused and startled and and at loss at what to do. I could still hear small sobs from downstairs so I knew they would be no help and Danny was staring at his god cousin wide eyed as he peered over the bed, evidently not knowing what do

"Danny. Move" I had told him and he immediately obeyed concerned for Taylor 

Eventually I had managed to move Taylor onto her bed, it was quite awkward getting her onto the bed and I wouldn't be surprised if within a couple of days bruises start to form on her legs arms and face but it was a small price for her to pay for her being in a more conformable place 

I turned my head towards the blonde whose hair was splayed out on the pillow like a halo as her eyes slowly open and in that moment I felt like I was in some kind of cheesy Disney movie. . .Well, I did until I noticed the drool and she began groaning again, putting her hand on her forehead and feeling the damp cloth that I had placed on her head in a moment of panic and. she began rubbing at her forehead 

"Amelia?" She questioned her voice raspy 

"HI" I say softly keeping my voice low as I thought she would probably have a headache 

"How long have I been out?" Taylor asks propping herself up slightly on her elbows and turning to face me. Her long blonde hair falling in front of her blue eyes and she quickly brushed it out of her face and tucked it behind her dainty ears

"Not long" I reassure her "about twenty minutes or so"

"I feel like cra--" She started to say but then realised that Danny was in the room, not that he was really paying attention as he was too engrossed in the DS game but she corrected anyways "rubbish" and then she started crying, out of the blue and launched forward before tackling me in a hug "Oh god -- what you must think of me, I didn't mean to breakdown it's just ... or pass out ... I don't know, you weren't supposed to see me like that and I understand if you don't want to want to be my friend anymore" Sobs rack through her body and her shoulders shake as I wrap my arms around them to try to settle her 

"Shush shush we're all allowed to breakdown every once in a while, we're human and that's how our bodies react to all the pent up stress that we keep in and Taylor I know you probably don't want to hear this but you have gone through a hell of a lot maybe even more than any adult I know I mean you went trout a lot of trauma before you were even born that was nothing to do with you and I don't want you to ever think it did have anything to do with you, your grandfather was a  madman who made questionable choices and is paying for them now but as you grew up you had to deal with the stress of your mother having these 'episodes' as I've heard you mutter and I see the pain in your eyes when your mother looks at you like she's seen a ghost. So it is completely fine for you to breakdown every now and then in fact I'd be more concerned if you didn't feel like this after what you'd been through and what are you talking about Taylor of course I'll still be your friend"

And not just because I have to get you to trust me, the annoying voice in my head chimed

The blonde headed girl sniffed and pulled away from me before letting me go, my body instantly missing her touch as she nodded her head and looked at me through grateful eyes "I'm sorry Amelia again you shouldn't have to be dragged into me already life"

But I'm already sucked into it , I think bitterly thinking of Ellis 

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be" I lie because even if I didn't want to be here I'm thinking Ellis would force me to be here anyway, as I had texted him about the dinner plans and his reply was basically make a good impression and make my daughter and that good for nothing son in law think they can trust you as well as my equally as good for nothing granddaughter  and don't screw up all my hard work 

I had scowled and frowned while reading the text, Taylor was not good for nothing she was a caring girl with rotten luck that she seemed to have inherited from her mother and Elliot was a man who didn't have to take on the role of a father figure for Taylor but did anyway without complaining 

"Your a good liar Amelia" Taylor jokes and I know she was joking because of the teasing smile she sent my way but little did she know I was actually lying but I force a laugh anyway and soon she joins in and I'm sent with a jolt back to reality like a hard smack to the face, I can't become friends with the girl -- target -- she was my target and that was it, after all I did work for her bastard of a grandfather and he was paying me good money and custardy of my little brother to throw it all away over a friendship 

But like I said, we are only human and we do make mistakes and I feel like not forming a friendship with the blonde headed girl in front of me who has her head tilted back in a laugh was a mistake 

But we're human and we make mistakes but if we realise them then we can grow, let's just hope this mistake doesn't cost my my humanity  

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