14 | ...only for it to be smashed

19 1 2

I REENTERED TAYLOR'S room to find her sitting cross legged on her bed looking as white as a sheet and like she had seen a ghost, she was staring -- glaring rather -- at the wall and any trace of happiness that she had only minutes ago been ecstati...

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I REENTERED TAYLOR'S room to find her sitting cross legged on her bed looking as white as a sheet and like she had seen a ghost, she was staring -- glaring rather -- at the wall and any trace of happiness that she had only minutes ago been ecstatic and now a set frown had appeared on her face making me heart lurch. I didn't want my new friend to be sad even if I am just friends with her to complete a mission so that I can be free of Ellis Philips 

"What's wrong?" I ask her softly moving to sit next to her on the bed

"Nothing" She answers stiffly crossing her arms and not taking her eyes off the wall

"Hey" I tell her more sternly "You know you can tell me if something is bothering you right?" 

"Can I?" She whisper shouts due to the late hour and not wanting to wake her parents up after Mrs Walker said that she was going to bed along with Mr Walker to get some rest in before tomorrow and told us not to stay up too much later "Are you really my friend?" Taylor snapped and I was confused until she chucked my phone to me leaving me to try and catch it before it went on the floor and when Taylor turned back to the wall not even glancing in my direction I unlocked my phone confused about what was going on until I reread the message that Taylor must have seen leaving my heart to stop 

She knew 

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do "Say something!" Taylor hissed 

Her voice snapped me back into reality and the weight of the situation I had to play dumb and lie even though I really don't want to because I actually consider her a friend and it's killing me that I have to gain her trust just to stab her in the back but if I didn't then I would find myself in a sticky situation 

"Of course I'm your friend why would you say something like that?" I ask though I knew why 

She nodded her head in the direction of the phone, her eyes wide and wild with fury and rage, her jaw was also flexed tightly as she looked at me daring me to lie to her again and I couldn't so I just meekly nod "I was pretending to be your friend at first but then I got to know you and --"

"And what? You found out I was worthy of your time?" She sneers standing from. her bed and coming over to where I stood she was only a few inches taller than I was but the way she was leaning towards me and doing her best to intimidate me made her seem like she was a head taller than me at least  "that someone didn't have to pay you just so you would hang out with me. God, I feel so stupid how could I have actually believed that I had a friend? Who the hell would  me as a friend? The national freak whose mother was raped and grandfather killed his own grandchild in the womb and nearly killed his other grandchild"

I faltered for a moment and Taylor caught it speaking in a dangerously low voice she narrowed her blue eyes, staring me down "And who told you to get close to me?" Her words were like razors she ran a hand through her hair in frustration making it even more tangled as she impatiently waited for me to start talking 

I said nothing. I mean how could I?

"Well?" She snapped growing more impatient with the seconds that passed and I didn't respond "Say something!" And just like that I felt my heart break for the scared little girl in front of me, all she wanted was a friend who understood her, who could be there for and as much as I grew to want to, I knew I couldn't be that for her but she deserves to know the truth about me -- I mean it is probably going to be the only decent thing that I do as her friend 

"Your grandfather" I mumble hoping she can't hear me 

She took a step back as if she had been punched in the stomach and I knew she was feeling the upmost betrayal right now after all she thought her grandfather was rotting away in jail for what the sicko did to her mother but to find out that not only was he not in jail but who she thought was her friend, her only friend that had to be a blow to the gut "How --" She states but can't find the rest of the words, stunned to silence 

"Tay" I say reaching out to hold her hand but as soon as my hands curl around her wrists she wrenches away and turns away from me missing the pain in my eyes I knew she would be hurt by the truth but I at least thought we had grown close enough for her to at  least hear my side of the story 

I don't know why I was hurt, she's just another mission, she's just my target 

"Get. The. Hell. Out" She hisses finding her voice as she turns back to me

"Tay --" I try again, trying to get her to understand 

"I don't want to see you anymore" She states in a low growl pointing to the door "Go!"

I know in that moment I'm not getting anywhere with her she's too hurt and too betrayed to listen to anything I have to say to justify my reasons into 'working' with her grandfather so I nod my head and open the door quietly before moving down the stairs and grabbing my leather jacket and looking back to see Taylor wasn't looking at me and with one last glance at the blonde haired girl I push open the door and step out into the cold air 

I couldn't help as I walked out the door that night that I was giving up on something and someone beautiful    

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n o t e

I submitted Broken Fragments into the Watty's for 2019. I really love this (along with book 1 in the story) and would like to raise awareness for the subjects and contents within this book but for the story to be noticed I need your help I need you to vote and comment and add it to your reading lists so it can get the recognition 

Thank you for your support 

Caitlin xxx

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