42 | family

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"OH MY BABY I'm so sorry this has happened to you

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"OH MY BABY I'm so sorry this has happened to you." Porcha screeches as she flies into the room after the police called her to say her husband was dead and that her daughter was in a state of panic and probably needed someone to help her and a place to stay for a few days, i hadn't seen her before but she had aged well having short blonde hair that was thinning slightly but she seemed to make it work, she runs in heels to her daughter and wraps her hands around her daughter bringing her into a hug and sobbing on Melanie's shoulder who awkwardly patted her mothers back, obviously being quite awkward due to not seeing her mother in a very long time "I should have known when he stopped calling me and asking about  you and Taylor"

"Mom, I know" Melanie whispered still shaken up about the whole ordeal 

Porcha gives her daughter one more squeeze on the shoulder and then turns to her son in law given him a small nod which makes surprise filter onto Elliot's face as if he wasn't used to Porchca giving him recognition "Thank you for looking after my daughter and granddaughter I know at the beginning I thought you would date her for a year and the cast her aside as I thought you were only looking for my or my husbands money but you actually stuck around and helped her out with all the trauma that my ex husband put her through in a way that I never could"

"No problem m'am and just for reference I would never dream of leaving your daughter because I love her too much for that and even though we met in a very unconventional way and though we were very young and everyone thought we might not make it, we proved everyone wrong and made it" Elliot replies and I could just hear the love that he has for his wife in his voice as she kisses Melanie temple before turning to us and was about to open mouth to speak but the older woman interrupted him 

"Come here girls my daughter  would like to say thank you for helping her." Porcha told us beckoning us closer to them and we looked at each other before shrugging and walking closer "Taylor who is your friend?"

Taylor blushes beet red and started spluttering which her grandmother did not appreciate that and became stern faced telling the girl to speak up and to stop spluttering because it wasn't the way of a proper lady. Fortunately her parents stepped up for her and supported her, Elliot putting a comforting hand on his daughters shoulder while Melanie began speaking up on behalf of her daughter "Mom, 'Taylor's friend' is called Amelia Grayson and she's actually Taylor's girlfriend"

 For a minute Porcha looked as if she had misheard what her daughter had just told her and blinked a few times before asking Melanie to repeat what she had just said and Melanie repeated what she had just said and I could see the gears turning in her her head and she repeatedly blinks a few times not fully understanding what her daughter had just told her before she let out a little "Ohh"

I look over at Taylor to gage her reaction to get a cue of how I should act but when I look at Taylor she looks like she has won the lottery and is grinning madly which I didn't expect from the dark headed girl as I thought she would be more upset over her grandmother just simply saying oh and not all too pleased that fact that her granddaughter was into girls but Taylor looked like she had just be given a million dollars 

Upon seeing my confusion over the matter Elliot put a hand on my shoulder and leaned downed so he could whisper in my ear "I know your confused the first time she gave me that look I was confused as hell to however that's a look that says that she approves of you  which is basically her highest level of acceptance to a person and that's why Taylor is so happy because she knows that her grandmother approves of you"

"So it's nothing to do with the fact that Taylor is gay?" I whispered back with my stomach already tying itself in knots and I start to feel sick to the stomach at the answer that may come out of Elliot's mouth after all the older woman in front of me did kick out her own daughter when she found out that she was raped so that it wouldn't tarnish her reputation so execute me for thinking she might not want a gay granddaughter as it could have tarnished her reputation once again

"I don't think so" Elliot admits uncertainty flooding through his voice "I could be wrong"

Taylor immediately brings me out of my conversation with Elliot by tugging on my hand and bringing my gaze to focus on her and I raise my eyebrows as if to ask her whether she was okay and she just nodded before kissing my cheek and smiling at me before fitting my mouth to hers once again

I knew no matter how fucked up these people were, they were my family 

Smiling into the kiss I realise just how much I need the girl at the moment, we both fucked up and had really messed up lives and I have caught myself wondering at times who the hell would want me after all I was just a broken family but then I remembered that we were both broken fragments and maybe over time we could help each other become maybe a little less broken 

We pull apart and that's when I realise that from now on we were going to be just fine whatever happened next we could overcome it and we would as long as we had each other because after all we were family.

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