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TIME SEEMED TO stand still

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TIME SEEMED TO stand still. I didn't know what to do except let my jaw fall to the floor in shock and stare bugged eyed at Taylor who was still holding the gun with shaking hands and looked as if she was going to cry as Ellis's cold hard eyes continued to stare up at the ceiling and immediately I spring into action as if time was suddenly sped up twice as fast as it normally as, as if I taken a remote control to my life and pressed the fast forward button allowing me to race forward and wrap my hands around her pulling her close to my chest and rubbing her back and stroking her hair in order to keep her calm 

When the shock ran out and everyone and everything seemed to return to reality, there were a lot of nervous glances from some of Mr Philips girlfriend and eventually most of them split knowing that someone had most likely heard the gunshots and phoned the police and they were probably on the way so they didn't want to stick around 

The people that stayed however looked quite nervous and didn't want to get in more trouble and so shuffled forward and away from Melanie and when I looked up the only person who still had an iron tight grip on Melanie was Jason as he was still making disgusting slurs towards her body as well as talking about how much he would love to touch her body again as he couldn't get it out of his mind, even it was seventeen years ago and blocking Elliot from touching his own wife

In the middle of all of this and trying to calm Taylor down I glance up at the door to see Annie being pushed to the door by a dark skinned man who was glaring at Elliot and Elliot was glaring back but I could see the longing in both of their eyes through the glares and then I realised the similarity between Annie and the man and realised that the man was probably her father and also realised that she had probably tried to warn me about Mr Philips plan before everything happened and I give her a apologetic smile and an wink

Annie gives me a shrug and a small wave that her father couldn't see and the man quickly and quietly told her something to which Annie looked upset and tried to yell at the man and tell him not to do it because she will miss him and she doesn't want him to go at this point I was mildly confused and didn't know what to do as I was still trying to comfort Taylor who was still sniffing and upset about the whole ordeal 

"Shhh shh you'll be okay, nothing will happen to you, you shot him in self defence and if anything I gave you the gun so you could get him off of your mother so if anything I'm responsible for it and I should be in jail" I tell the dark brown haired girl who looks up at me with wide doe eyes as she tries to open her mouth to protest but I shushed her again until her and mine attention 

"Hi Elliot" The man greeted shyly much to the shock of Elliot 

"What are you doing Hunter?" Jason hisses but his ignored by Hunter 

"It's been a long time since I last saw you and you seem to. be doing well while I've been struggling to make ends meat for my daughter and I while you seem to have set up a nice life for you and your wife -- who I'm sorry for going along with your Dad's plan and not standing up for you -- and took on a baby girl at your age and never complained once and managed to be a much better Dad than this son of a bitch ever was" Hunter says

"What you saying Hunter?" Elliot asks "You have that look in your eyes"

Hunter laughed "Man, I forgot you know me so well, no wonder Tori liked you so much"

Elliot's face dropped as if he was slightly sad and his eyes glassed over slightly as if he was reliving a memory. Finally after a few minutes he began to speak, his voice slightly cracking "She was the first person I ever loved to man and although I was heartbroken about her taking her own life, looking back years later I like to think she was looking out for me, after what happened to her it woke me up and allowed me to clean up my act -- although it did take a few years seen as you and Trevon were out for my blood and I still owed you money for my weed and everything that happened with Melanie set me back a couple of years"

Nodding Hunter agreed with him "Yeah and you may not believe it at the time but you really did help Tori, I think she would have taken her life months before if you hadn't helped her and showed her a little bit of life in the darkness of her life and as much as I led you to believe I don't blame you, you didn't force those pills into her mouth you didn't even give her the idea I have the feeling she was planning this weeks before you made that off handed comment about just wanting to end it all and so because you helped her see the light in her last few months"

"What do you mean Hunt?" Elliot asked, confusion clouding his voice

He didn't answer but instead took the gun from Taylor's hand and not knowing what he was going to do so the gun easily slips through her fingers and he takes it popping the safety back off that I had put on (for obvious safety reasons) and points it at Ellis who was still staring blankly at the ceiling and if it was perfectly timed the police busted through the door and upon seeing the gun in Hunter's hands told him to drop the gun and quickly arrest him, escorting him out

There was still four bullets in the gun

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