28 | ticking time bomb

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MY FACE LIGHTS up as I read the screen in front of me, even though I left Taylor's house not even half an hour ago, the girl just told me that she told her dad we were dating and came out as liking girls all I'm that short time frame and she also said he couldn't be more supportive and honestly I couldn't be more proud of here, I know for a fact at how daunting it is to come out to friends and family and I'm happy that she has such a supportive father

My hands immediately start typing out as a reply and I start to type how proud of her for coming out to her fathers and I was so happy that he was supportive and in a way I knew he always be because from what I've seen he really loved her and her liking girls isn't going to change that, as I walk along the sidewalk back towards the motel where I lived with my baby brother it was also where Ellis Philips is lying low biding his time and waiting for the perfect time to strike and ruining his daughters life

What made him so vengeful I don't know, I'm all the years that I had known I'm I still don't have the answer even though I'm generally curious as to the reasoning why he would send a group of teenagers (who by the way we're also arrested for possession and assault and assisting a kidnapping, which if you ask me they should of got more) to kidnap his daughter before proceeding to cut out his own daughters unborn babies and proceeding to kill one and attempting to cut out the other one fortunately the Police arrived before he could enact his plan to get rid of the other one who has now grown into a beautiful and independent young woman who has wormed her way into my heart, even though she was just supposed to be my target and nothing more and yet she has become so much more

It made me sick to my stomach to wonder what would've happened if he had been successful in killing Taylor and how different Melanie's life would be, I'm nearly one hundred percent sure the her episodes would have been more frequent and worse than they already were and that to me would be a horrible thing to happen

So all in all I haven't got any clue as to why Ellis did what he did, I cannot read his mind and so all I have to rely on is the media coverage of it all, eighteen years ago when it first all came out what Ellis Philips did, the news channels basically covered it in every news bulletin for two years — it was all that people could talk about that one of the most respected men in New York was actually a ticking time bomb and nobody suspected he would explode, not only that but nobody saw it coming

After those two years the news coverage about Ellis Philips began to dwindle and he didn't crop up in as many conversations as he did previously and slowly what he did faded from people's memories as he new horrors emerged that slowly took presidency over the bastard and he only came back unto the media about four years ago when he was released from prison and around the same time, Porcha Philips filed for a divorce -- no longer wanting to be connected to that man (although I don't know why she didn't file for a divorce sooner)

My phone lights up again and it was a message from Taylor with just a bunch of kisses and I smile to myself as I took my phone away again and clearly I wasn't looking where I was going  as I did so because I felt myself colliding with another body and I find myself taking a few steps backwards in order to catch myself before muttering a 'sorry' only to look up at be met with hazy green eyes and an angelic face staring back at me

"Hello again" The redhead chirps excitedly 

"Hi" I greet her, not nearly as bubbly as she was 

"So I'm guessing by the smile on your face, everything went good then with Taylor?" She asks me and because of the soft and almost angelic tone she uses I can't find myself being mad at her and instead I just nod my head and a wide childlike grin spreads across her face before she begins to speak in that airy tone that I have oddly grown familiar with "Good. See I told you that everything broken can once again be fixed if only one is willing to do so besides I knew she would say yes once she was given a little push"

Suddenly realisation hits me and I realise what she was talking about all those days ago at the park bench when I had got so angry at her for speaking in riddles when all I needed to do was to look a little harder but was again I found myself confused by the last part of the sentence  "What do you mean, you knew she would've said yes?"

The bubbly redhead  winks at me "She is very like her mom in the sense that she needs a little push before she goes for something, usually when the Philip woman are hesitant about something they want to do but they don't know how" 

"You know Melanie Philips?" I gape at her 

"Why of course our mothers we friends before they moved into city when the started to become big shot celebrities and besides I don't think Porcha could handle Albany any longer, the grief of what happened to Savannah was too much for her I think although I eventually moved, Melanie and I weren't as close as we were before but I was one of the first people that Melanie spilled her fears tp after the media caught wind of her pregnancy" 

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