Ch. 21-The unwanted gaster

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It's late. 3:00 in the morning and I cannot sleep for some reason. I sighed and gently got up and headed downstairs.

My soul aches when I reach the kitchen. Something wasn't right...

Something was coming into the void from above and it wasn't good.

*Vixen is filled with fear and anxiety.

She walks outside on the porch, her soul pounded inside her as she looks around for the bad presences. There!! She spots it amongst the darkness...but focusing on it only makes it worse.

It's another Gaster. But this one has terrifying jagged teeth, and fresh blood stains all over his clothes....his eyes are red with murder. She growls at this and runs into the darkness to confront him.

She wants her new fr—Family to be safe. Especially B and lil Frisk.

*Meanwhile inside the house*
All the Gasters and lil Frisk feels their soul pulse hard making them jolt awake...they feel Vixen's fear and anxiety. They all hop outta bed and rush down stairs after realizing Vixen's absences.

They call for her, searching the entire house for her. Nearly destroying the house to do so.

"Where the fuck is she?!?!" Yells Fell as he flips over the couch and slides down the wall to the floor in a huff trying to calm down. B is frantically looking to he froze at the window and burst through the door immediately.

Everyone follows him out to the porch and freeze in terror as they see Vixen about 15 feet away from them in front of a blood covered Gaster. Her wings are open wide and she has a bone in hand.

B checks her stats and then the mystery Gaster.

B:Check 💚
*Is determined to protect the house with her life.

Check 💚
Horror Gaster—
*Is crazily smiling into the void.

B is very worried. The odds weren't good...she's out matched. And her HP isn't completely healed yet!

B runs from the house only to be grabbed by Swap who pulls him back. He hisses but Swap only shakes his head....

The battle begins.

*To be continued...*

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