Ch. 13-Healing & bonding

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I woke, finding myself in the lab. My hoodie jacket was off as well as my face mask. My wings are on the floor hanging off the sides of the bed, B is holding my hand asleep in a chair on my right and Swap is asleep in a chair on my left. Wingdings and Stars are asleep at their desks, Fell is asleep on the floor as Swapfell is asleep against the wall next to him.

The only thing I can think about right now is—

*What. Dah. Fuck?!😐*

I am beyond confused... and scared at the same time. Something happened and I don't remember anything! I think for a moment, trying desperately to remember.

It all hit me at once.

There were no more secrets...they saw everything I was trying to hide! I pulled my wings close to my body despite the pain. I held B's hand while the other was over my wings and bones ache but it wasn't so bad.

My HP was stable again.

(HP: 435/1600)

I'll be fine. I sighed and stared at the ceiling...I closed my eye sockets halfway when I suddenly felt another hand on my forehead. My eyes flew open as I glanced at B...who was staring at me. His eye light lit up and everything.

I felt tears pouring from my face. I was ashamed he had seen me like this. So scary looking, covered in scars and wounds no less. But despite everything that happened he was still smiling at me.

He wiped away my tears and hugged me close. I wrapped my wings around him embracing his warmth and kindness.

—Time skip—

It's morning now and I fell asleep in B's arms. Everyone is downstairs eating breakfast...Even since I woke up he doesn't seem to wanna leave my side. Even gave me a change of pants if ya can ever call it that.

Swap came up with the first aid-kit, the hydrogen peroxide and some more clothes for me to wear

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Swap came up with the first aid-kit, the hydrogen peroxide and some more clothes for me to wear.

"I can do it myself!" I protested as I hugged myself in my wings. Swap's response was unexpected.

"I understand...but allow us to help at least a little bit, please?" He said. It caught me off guard...I wasn't used to being asked nicely or having someone help tend to my wounds before.

I sighed and untied my light green cloth around my neck and waist and handed it to Swap. Thank god I had bandages around my chest area. Or this would be a lot more awkward...

Swap tended to my leg wounds and gave me some dark grey pants to wear and even patched up where Fell had punched me

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Swap tended to my leg wounds and gave me some dark grey pants to wear and even patched up where Fell had punched me. B helped to tending to my arms one at a time while I re-bandaged my chest wounds with my wings giving my coverage.

Yeah, I screamed a few times when it came to the hydrogen peroxide but, it was fast and now it was over....for today that is. Swap gave me one of B's old t-neck sweaters to wear and it was pretty comfortable. Swap even altered it, in the back was a very large hole for my wings so they won't be tucked in all the time.

Only thing I didn't like was—


"You heard me, Vixen. You are to take it easy...your injuries are more severe than you think. You need lots of please stay in bed and if you need anything just call one of us." Said Swap as he picks me up.

"Wha—?! Hey!!! Swap put me down!!!!" I shouted as I flapped my wings about. He struggled a bit but eventually got me to the shared room. He set me down on my bed gently and told me to stay....

I hated this.

B kept me company. So at least I wasn't alone... I had noticed that my magic had let him see without my permission. I was unable to stop whatever it was doing so B could see the entire time.

I felt hot all of a sudden. I kicked off my blankets and tried to stay cool.

It wasn't working.

"Vixen are you already??" B asked. He had noticed too...I was panting like a helpless dog and I was overheating, sweating and shaking at the same time. The heat was overwhelming and unbearable it made tears fall from my eyes and my bones ache more. I whined out of tongue hung out of my mouth.

I blushed out of embarrassment. I couldn't control my body....

B picked me up and sat down on my bed with me in his lap

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B picked me up and sat down on my bed with me in his lap. "Shh....shhh...shhhh." He seemed to be trying to calm me down. He rested his skull against mine....I was extremely tired.

But I didn't wanna sleep.

He teleports a glass of water to his hand and holds it to my mouth. My hand just lay there limp at my sides....refusing to move.

*Why? This is so pitiful and pathetic...😑😓😖😫*

Vixen is overheating and seems to be panicking. She seems to be calming down a little while in my arms...I teleported a glass of water and hold it to her mouth. She glanced at it and groaned as she drinks it, her hands limp at her sides....

She seems completely drained of energy. But her HP seems to be the same with no changes. She rests against my chest...I pet her ears. She purrs at me nuzzling my hand against her face.

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