Ch. 18-Swapfell

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—no one's POV
Everyone felt the rush of soul energy pass through each other but Swapfell he was the only one confused about what had just suddenly happened to make everyone out of breath.

It looked as if everyone had just ran up and down the stairs a million times to fast...and were now out of breath. Everyone except me....

"What the hell is going on???" I asked everyone had just as confused expressions as they all looked at me. "What?! I didn't do anything!" I insisted, as I went upstairs to check on Stars who was with Vixen, Swap came with me.

Still out of breath but still strong.

When we arrived upstairs...Stars and Vixen were also out of breath. But that wasn't the only that caught my attention. Vixen soul was hovering in front of her...pounding in the air.

It had several cracks in it and looked as if it were going to shatter into a million pieces any minute. I gulped hoping I was wrong...

"Vixxie are ya okay??" I asked in unison with Swap. She glanced at both of us before giggling at us. Her laugh was the cutest thing I've ever heard...she'd be just fine.

—Time skip—

It's lunchtime and everyone is back to normal again...but this time Vixxie is asleep taking a nap, that is until I heard something big fall upstairs.

Everyone is silent as we all listen trying to figure out where the sound is coming from upstairs....

I am the first one racing upstairs when something shattered upstairs in B and Swap's bedroom...knowing full well Vixxie was up there. I bursted the door open with everyone behind me...the room was a mess, the book self is knocked over, a vase is broken and Vixxie bed has been ripped apart and covered in scattered feathers and fur.

Something definitely happened in here and it wasn't good.

"What the hell—?!" The moment Fell spoke the lights in the entire house go out leaving us with the dim light from our own eyes.

"Shit," was all I had to say to this. Everyone was panicking and stumbling into each other while I did my best to search for Vixxie. "Vixxie, Vixxie? Are ya in here??" I said as I carfully walked around the broken pottery...there was no response.

I stayed quiet for a moment and got low to the ground, looking underneath B and Swap's bed...a low whimpering was heard followed by a loud snarling as I met eye contact with her....but Vixxie's eyes had changed, they were a scary blood red now and she had a devilish look in them as if she wanted to kill something.

I backed away stumbling over my own feet by instinct as she hissed at me. Everyone paused at my reaction and the sudden loud growling that could be heard from underneath the bed in the darkness of the room.

I had to be brave.

This kid would surly kill if the wrong move was made and she had seen me first. I was down at her eye level so it would have to be me who calmed her down....

I breath in and locked eyes with her. She growls at me as her red eyes flicker....

"I-It's okay,'s just us, remember? C-can ya see me, can ya h-hear me, a-anything??" I say gently.

Vixxie's growls grow louder.

"C-come on, ya gotta snap out of it!! Whatever ya saw in yer dream ain't real, right now is real, so come on snap out of it!!" I said to her, she suddenly runs out from underneath the bed and tackles me. I feel her teeth biting at my neck, I freeze and wait for her to finish me off but no pain comes...

Just her teeth lightly pressed up against my neck. I opened my eyes and look up to see her eyes stared back at me.

She is froze. The lights flicker back on as her eyes fade from red to blue, she flinched and let go of me as she backed away covering her mouth with her hands in shock.

I sighed in relief as I sit up. Everyone else is still and silent...Tears run down Vixxie's face as she stares with dark blank eye sockets at the floor. I sigh and sit next to her, pulling her into a hug.

She looks up at me in surprise. I shrugged it off with a smile and pat her head as I hug her close...she cries into my shoulder for a bit. Later she says she's sorry for what happened and explains what happened...

Apparently she had a nightmare while she was napping and got into a bit of a panic attack, tearing everything apart and accidentally broke the vase causing her to hide underneath the bed where I found her...

Wingdings helps her heal the small cuts on her hands and feet from stepping on the broken vase when she was walking on all fours and she gives me a big hug for helping her snap out of her panic attack.

*Vixen has linked souls with Swapfell, she is filled with bravery*

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