Ch. 4-Adjusting/Trust building

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This Vixen character was something else...she was hiding something. Heh, knowing Fell he'd be even more on guard then the time I dropped down here. I glanced at her as she carefully ate her food, without letting any of us see the rest of her face covered my the mask...I was curious what she was hiding.

I went back to eating when Swap gave me the suspicious look.

Vixen seemed to be very shy...which was fine with me me.

I can't see shit.

I am glad she is eating. But she still seems to be nervous around us. She'll warm up to us eventually... she looked like she was starving, the way she eats is like she hasn't eaten in days.

I'll make sure she gets the best food she'll ever taste in her life!!!

—Time skip—

(No one's POV)
It after dinner and Vixen has teleported back to the couch. She is very quiet... she's full. Stars helps B over to the couch, Fell sits in between Vixen and B. He is still on guard with her...Vixen seems to sense this and teleports to the other end of the room against the wall in a corner.

She is uncomfortable...and is trying to calm herself down. Fell turned on the Tv and ignores her. She is used to this....

Stars and Wingdings are going upstairs to work in the lab to continue trying to find a solution for everyone to escape the void. Stars stops as he notices Vixen in the corner...

He tells Wingdings he'll be up in a moment, and goes to Vixen. She is curled up against the wall, hugging her knees and breathing deeply. She is trembling...

"Vixen? Are you already??" I asked...she flinched and glanced up at me, her eyes were shaking as if to hold back tears. I got down to the floor and sat by her so she wouldn't feel completely cornered. "So...what are you doing on the floor in the corner, way over here?" I asked, with a small smile.

Her eyes seemed to speak for her as she glanced at Fell then eyed the floor again. I could tell she was uncomfortable around Fell...but I didn't want her over here in the corner like this. "Would you like to join me and Wingdings...we're working on a solution to get everyone out of this void we're all trapped in. Would you like to watch...?" I asked. She glanced upstairs and nodded.

She teleported to the top of the stairs and waited for me. I smiled as I walked upstairs...she watched me as I walked to the lab door. As I opened the door she teleported to the other side of it. She still sitting on the floor.

I told Wingdings about her presence and he nodded as he went over more of his written notes. She watched us for a long time before she laid down on the floor...she seemed to be napping.

I was glad, she had seemed tired all day since she got here.


I glanced back at her...she's whimpering in her sleep. I went closer to see what was wrong....her face told me she was in pain. She must have been hiding it before...but now that she was asleep.

She wasn't hiding any of it. I touched her shoulder and healed what I could...

(Vixen: HP 199/1600)

Her ear twitched and I could have sworn I saw her blush. I smiled and pat her head gently and stood back up. To let her rest.

I was resting on the floor while Stars and Wingdings...when I was half asleep I felt a hand on my HP went up. Then I felt a hand pet my head....I blushed, I wasn't used to being pet.

I swallowed back from purring. The hand left, I opened an eye socket to see Stars walking away from me and went to Wingdings. The pain had lessened a little again...but the pain was still there.

I rested again until I heard Swap holler 'dinner' from downstairs. The smells were so good they came all the way upstairs making my mouth water again.

I sat up. "Swap is's dinner time." I said gently, as I wagged my tail. Stars nodded and turned to leave as I stood up testing my legs, they were shaky and still sore but I could use them.

Wingdings remains in his chair. Stars stopped at the door and glanced back at him.

"Ain't cha coming Wingdings??" I asked, as I used the wall to balance. He remains silent. Stars sighed and walked over to Wingdings...

"Come on, Wingdings you have to eat something." He said. Wingdings ignored him...I twitched my ear in annoyance to keep myself from growing. I sighed...

"I'm going downstairs...I do hope ya join everyone for dinner, Wingdings." I said as I left and walked down the hall. I skipped the stairs and teleported to the bottom, then walked to the table and had a seat, next to B and Stars' empty chair.

"Where's Stars and Wingdings, Vixen? Weren't you with them??" asked Swap. I nodded...

"Wingdings is refusing to respond. I don't know if he'll come down and eat. Stars is trying to convince him otherwise." I told him. Swap nodded as he sat down in between B and Fell.

And then there was some sort of ruckus heard from upstairs. Everyone besides me found this normal. So I dismissed it...

"Stars!!! Put me down this instant!!!!" Wingdings shouted as he and Stars become visible on the stairs. Stars is carrying Wingdings over his shoulder

 Stars is carrying Wingdings over his shoulder

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Damn it! Failed...luckily no one seemed to notice.

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