Ch. 12-No more secrets

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It's been 20 hours...

Me, Stars, Wingdings and B have all been doing our best to keep Vixen from dusting. She's a lot worse than I thought....B stayed you her bedside at all times. Refusing to leave her side at all costs...

Normally if a monster is injured with a low HP all that is needed is to heal the soul using magic but for Vixen......her soul has a very very high HP. So it won't be easy to heal in one night.

She is still unconscious but her soul is stable thanks to Wingdings quick thinking.

B is asleep at Vixen's bedside in the lab. A monitor is showing her stability of her soul... she's still good. I put a blanket over B and pull up a chair next to the door in case something happens.

Me and the guys have been taking turns during the day and it was starting to get late.


I looked up...B was awake. "Yes B? What is it??" I said reassuring him I was present . "What time is it?" He asked with a yawn. I glanced at the clock in the corner. ".......almost 12:00 in the morning." I said sleepily.

"Aren't you going to sleep Swap?" He asked. I yawned while stretching...

"Nope... I am going to watch over Vixxie. I don't want anything to happen to her....she's been through enough." I said with a sigh. B nodded and held her hand in his...he looked sad.

—Time skip—

(No one's POV):
Vixen is still unconscious....but only just. Her soul is trembling, searching for a source of energy to link with for comfort, kindness and love.

The first soul it senses is B's soul. Broken, fractured but strong...the link has begun. Vixen is starting to feel more at ease. As is B....Vixen's eye sockets are starting to glow a light blue and green. She seems happy but still in pain...

Her soul the sensed a second soul...Swap. Her soul links with him as we feeling his warmth and love with B's additional kindness/love. This link will not effect the others will only keep Vixen's soul from shattering.

*Vixen is filled with love.












Vixen opens her eye sockets.






Swap and B were suddenly awoken by a loud long flat beep. Vixen's monitor only does that if her soul is about to shatter. They both spring out of their chairs nearly falling out of them. Swap and B are panicking, Swap is having trouble with the lights they won't turn on!

He can't see.

More fast running footsteps are heard as everyone else enters the lab. Wingdings has a flashlight in hand...the light is then pointed at Vixen. Or at least where she was....

Wingdings exams the bed. There is no sign of dust anywhere much to everyone's relief. The cord attached to Vixen was just detached....only question was why and for what reason.

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