"There was once a person who looked at me as you did now. She made me promise my hand to her in marriage." He said as he closed the distance between then. His hand gently gripping her waist, closing the distance between then. It was as natural as dancers who had practiced the steps a thousand times.

Cybelline felt those eyes pull her in, promising the infinity of all things and a lifetime. She looked down at their interconnected hands, so naturally did her hand fall into his that it felt like it belonged there.

The thought startled and unsettled her.

She withdrew her hand and ignored the little smile on his lips, "Oh?" She said, not even aware of the small hint of jealousy in voice, "Where is she now? Maybe you should go whisper sweet nothings in her ear."

He grinned ear to ear, like a fool. Hearing the words herself, Cybelline felt an uncharacteristic hotness to her cheeks, her eyes narrowed, "If you dare laugh, I promise you a quick and painful death."

Killian threw his hands up and backed away. He looked at her with curiosity, "I've had a question since I met you in the City of Thieves."

Cybelline raised an eyebrow, Killian decided to continue, "Why don't you like to be touched?"

She was quiet for so long that Killian didn't know if she would answer, but after a while Cybelline answered, "I worked in a profession where trust was everything. It is the ultimate sign of trust that I allow someone into my personal space." She shrugged, "It was a pretty lonely job, but I got used to it."

Killian understood, he knew better than anyone. He took her hand again, "You can trust me. I promise."

This was the decision that had been waiting for her, the cross road that she must cross. Trust him?

He was the general that humans and fae all feared. He was more powerful than kings and emperors, and the fae in their weakened state could nothing against him. And if he turned against her, would she kill him? It seemed in that moment the thought made her sick, and she knew that in this battle the assassin in her lost.

Lie to him? She could lie, lying was easy to her. It was second nature. She could leave the Dyrads behind and pretend they don't exist. They weren't her problem, she only wanted to get Jinon out of prison. She remembered the little Dyrad with the tattered wings.

She could lie about what she was, deny its existence. And if one day, if he ever found out, she could leave. A small part, the very honest part of her wondered if she could do that when the day came. She ignored the tiny, annoying voice.

She sighed, it was much easier when there was someone giving her orders. Moral dilemmas did not suit her.

"The reason why I asked you if you hate the fae, is because the people who kidnapped me were fae." She finally said. She would still hide what she was for now. If he knew what she was, then would they... she forced the thought away.

A boy says a few sweet words to you, and you go to bits? Stop it before you are too far gone. Cybelline admonished herself, wake up. There is a mission at stake.

Killian frowned, "I didn't know there were fae in these parts. I'll bring my armies, they shouldn't have tried to harm you."

Cybelline gripped his arm, "No. Don't. I want to help them."

Killian blinked, "You want to what?"

"They're injured. I want to help them." Cybelline said quietly.

"No." Killian refused, "They're dangerous, they kidnapped you."

"Only because I was curious. I wanted to see what they were going to do next." Cybelline said with an impish smile.

Dark Queen: The Cybelline PropheciesWhere stories live. Discover now