c o m f o r t

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i will find comfort in other things. i could go out and drink. i could see my friends. i could finally focus on myself. and maybe i could eventually meet someone who is more than certain that they want to be with me and stay. someone who appreciated me and values my worth. someone who makes me feel like i'm more than i do right now.

i tell myself that i will have to accept it. i will have to resign to getting over it. it's really over, and there's nothing i can do to change it.
i will get better, that i can promise you. i will grow and nourish, and i know i will live again. but before that, i will have to break first, i will have to hurt, over and over again.
it's going to be a rough time, and it's not going to pass fast. it's going to be pain, and it's going to be unbearable. but i can promise you that one day, i will get better.
don't worry about me, i will be okay. i will be okay without you, one day. but not because i want to, because i have to.

i keep thinking back about all those good times we've had. i get sad when i think about them. but then again, i keep reminding myself that someday i will make even more magical memories. beautiful memories with someone who fits better to me. who's meant to be for me.

i did everything i could, no one will ever say that i just let you go. i fought for you, very hard. but you made a decision, and that's final.

sometimes i think that's what's meant to be. my friends likes to say, "there's always something good in the bad", and for fuck's sake, i really do hope and something good will come out of this mess. this can't happen for no reason.

where did I go wrong?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat