The three of us gathered behind him, dark looks on our faces as we impatiently waited, Ashley's hand slipping into mine and squeezing it gently in comfort. After what felt like ages, the principal finally pulled up the footage, going back to where we could see Chase actually standing next to Miss Fletcher, just like she said. She then turned around for a brief moment and-

"W-what just happened?!", I questioned, panic filling my voice as the two cameras pointing at the front of the building suddenly stopped working.

"I.. I don't know!"

I was about to bite his head off, when cameras 4 and 5 started working again a couple of seconds later, just to reveal that Chase wasn't in his spot anymore and Miss Fletcher was frantically scanning her surroundings.

He was gone.

"Fuck!", I gritted, tears threatening to escape as I repeatedly punched the wall behind me. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!!"

"Alex, baby calm down, you're gonna hurt yourself.", Ashley gently soothed, her watery eyes mirroring mine.

"How can I possibly calm down, Ash?!", I sobbed, burying my face into my hands. "We literally have nothing!"

"I know sweetie, but-"

"Wait!", Matt suddenly cut her off, his focus still fixed on the screen as I rushed to his side. "Look! Camera 7, pointing at the parking lot! That's Chase, that's his backpack!"

I looked at where he was pointing, and my heart sank. There was, in fact, Chase. But someone in an oversized hoodie and baggie jeans was holding his hand, leading him to a black car and calmly letting him climb in before they drove off and out of sight.

"Oh my God..", we all gasped, the reality of the situation hitting us as a ton of bricks.

Chase.. my little brother has been kidnapped and I felt like dying right there on the spot.

Each and every one of us fell silent, the principal playing the footage on a loop, not really sure as to why. I was too focused on my frantic heartbeat to even care.

There was a knock on the door, Miss Fletcher appearing right after, followed by two police officers.

"Chicago PD at your serv-", a familiar middle aged red head paused, her eyes landing on my figure as a slight relief washed all over me. "Alex, hi! I haven't seen you since-"

"Lena, I'd love to reminisce with you right now, but Chase is missing.", I cut her off, my voice trembling as I watched her immediately tense up.

I haven't seen this woman in over six years, and to be quite honest with you, I was glad she was here despite the undeniable awful circumstances under which we met all those years ago. If any other cop were to handle this situation, I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have fully trusted their ability to get my brother back safe and sound.

"What do you mean?", she questioned, a hard look on her face.

"Matt was supposed to pick him up from school today, but when he got here, Chase was already gone. And there's this..", I trailed off, grabbing the monitor sitting on the principal's desk and turning it around for her to see. "You need to watch this."

Lena and her partner, a build up guy with nothing but determination in his eyes, took a few steps forward as we all went through the footage once again. After the third time watching it, Lena turned towards her partner.

"Call the station and put a BOLO out for Chase García. We're looking for a ten year old kid, wearing blue jeans, black jacket and a Spiderman backpack who went missing from school and we believe he might have been kidnapped. Do you have a recent picture of him that we can send out to all patrols?", she then addressed me while her partner walked out of the room, radio in hand.

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