Chapter 3

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  The Next Day

   Time for my favorite subject: Gym. Oh how I love Gym! It’s the survival of the fittest. A place where nerds are beaten to a pulp with balls (Yeah that sounds completely dirty but I regret nothing). I grab a dodge ball and search for my next target. I spot him. Mark Carroty. He is the quarter back of our football team. And you know in those movies where the quarter back is obnoxious, rude and self centered? Well that's your perfect description of Mark. He is pretty average looking though. But there is a reason he is on the team; he is good at aiming and throwing. He has been taking out my team mates for the past five minutes and there are only 8 of us left compared to his 15 we are losing terribly. I take a deep breath and aim precisely where it where I know will hit home.

  The ball leaves my hand and soars toward its target. I watch as he turns too late realizing he has been caught but still (like the idiot he is) tries to dodge the ball. I was aiming for his stomach but since he moved the ball hit him where his children would someday feel it. I almost feel bad but then I remember how much of an ass he was being and the regret is wiped from my mind. 

   "Oh MY GOD MY BALLS!" He yells. Everyone turns to him mutely. The game to pauses without a word spoken. I watch as he kneels over holding his golden spot with satisfaction.

   "What is going on here why has the game stopped?" demands Coach Heffalump (That's not her real name of course I just call her that for the sake of my amusement).

   "That little witch hit me in the balls!" groans Mark as he glares at me.

   As innocently as I can I say "We are not even sure if you have any Mark. So until you can prove you do please do try and stop yourself from lying to us all. It would be greatly appreciated." I get a few giggles here and there but not a full out laugh. No one wants face Marks evil wrath. Honestly I don't know why but I most likely has something to do with the muscles he is constantly flexing. Talk about a egomaniac!

   Coach sighs and turns to me "St.Claire is this true?" I roll my shoulders and hide the smile that begins to form on my face. Don’t want to seem to happy with another person’s pain.

   "Well if he didn't move it would not have happened. Therefore it isn't my fault." I state as a matter of factually.

   "This is the third time this week you hit a boy in that area." Heffalump says shaking her head disapprovingly at me. IS it really only three? Huh. I thought it would have been more."You know the drill. Go sit on the bench. You sit the rest of this game out." and with that she storms back to her office and slams the door closed. She’s honestly being paid to sit on her ass. Props to her for finding my dream job other than my other dream to perform for a living.

   As I walk with my head held high to the benches I get a few high-fives from some of my classmates. That’s right I run this gym! I’m the queen! Bow down Peasants!

   This game won't last another 5 seconds without me. I think as I plant my ass on the bench. Much to Marks disappointment I was right. No sooner was I off the court my team lost and I was back on.       Before I got back to my side of the gym however I hear Paige and Charlie call my name.  I groan and turn around. Why must they bug me now? Do they ever show up during math? No. But gym seems like the perfect time to interrupt me. I look over at them and there they are with Mrs. Picassio (the school's music teacher).

   "Guys what do you want now?  I'm kind of in the middle of something here." I say as I walk towards them sluggishly. Not an appropriate way to walk since I am in gym class but whatever!

   "You are never gonna believe this!" squeals Charlie as she jumps on the spot. I think she needs to lay off the sugar.... then again so do I so meh.

   "Believe what?" I ask looking longingly at the game that has started without me. I am so tempted to just run back to the game without hearing what they have to say… Well that is until I hear Paige speak. 

   "We won!" says Paige dead serious before her face breaks out into a wide smile.

   "OH MY FUDGING FERRET NO WAY!" I scream. Resulting in several people to look at me. This wouldn't be the first time people look at me like I'm from another planet so I take no notice. 

   "We did!!!" say Paige and Charlie in sync.

   "I can't believe this!" I say as we grab each other’s hands and jump around in a circle squealing happily.

    Okay so lemme explain. Three weeks ago while we were working on our vocals; Ms. Picassio to showed up with a man. He was dressed in a tux and dress shoes and looked completely out of place in our old music room. 

   "Hello girls I would like to introduce you to Steve McCarling. He is the head of You Sing Canada. And he has a proposition for you." Ms. Picassio says happily. 

   So we got to the introducing of who we were and he got down to his proposition. "It's nice to meet you girls. And I must say hearing you in person is better than hearing you online. I have seen your Youtube videos and I must say you all have an amazing talent. And I would just love it if you girls could attend and compete. It would be... what you kids would call: hip." This of course was a no brainer. And no not the whole 'hip' thing; no one says that anymore with the exception old people trying to act cool. I mean about the competing thing... Anyway we immediately agreed.

   So we went on to face other people and groups alike until it was down to us (we called our selves Turn Around ) and a guy group called Greg's Garbage (Don't even ask let's just say that their voices were good but their hygiene on the other hand... wasn't). We have been waiting 2 weeks for the results. The winners get a check for 30 thousand dollars and a chance to star in a commercial for Pepsi (which is our favorite pop). It's no record deal I know but still....Pepsi is awesome!

   Now we will give one final  performance on Friday then... WAIT FRIDAY! Isn't that in like a couple days? Hmm... My brain isn't really up to date…

   "Isn't the competition on Friday?" I ask ending our group jumping suddenly. I look between Charlie and Paige waiting for an answer. 

   "Yup!" Smiles Mrs. Picassio. "I'm really happy for you girls!" 

   "B-but its Thursday!" Paige explains finally catching my drift. WAIT THURSDAY!!!! What the frog! I could of sworn it was Wednesday!

   "OH MY GOD FATHER WE HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" Charlie exclaims as she stares at us mortified. Suddenly the bell rings and we immediately head for the door as quickly as we can. Gotta find some clothes to wear! Gotta find some clothes to wear! Gotta--

   "MY GYM BAG!" I exclaim as we near the door.

   "It's either clothes or your gym bag." Page exclaims over her shoulder. I sigh and shake my head. That won't do at all I need my gym bag!

   "My keys are in there..." I say coming to a complete stop. If we don't get my keys we won't have a ride to the mall. We alternate on who drives who to school and today just so happens to be my day!...

   "WELL DON"T JUST STAND THERE WOMAN RUN!" exclaims Paige as she pushes me back towards the locker room. I rush through the locker room grabbing my bag; ignoring the odd stares I’m getting and run back the way I came. As I do I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror. And I stop and back track a bit to get a good look at myself.

   My face is flushed my hair is slightly sticking out from the high ponytail it was in. My clothes consisted simply of short shorts and a tank top. I sniff my shirt testing it. Not too bad I'll just put some deodorant and spray myself with body spray when I get to the car. That way I don't smell like I just crawled out of a garbage can when I walk through the mall.

   "HURRY UP! HURRY UP! HURRY UP!" Says Charlie as she pushes me through the gym doors. Sometimes this girl is very impatient. She really needs to get some patience before I slap some into her. 

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