Tiny Love (Spain x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"FUCK!" Antonio snapped out of his thoughts on what he was cooking for dinner.

Not far ahead of him was a girl on the group groaning. Her face was covered by the large object she was carrying. 

"Oh my!" He rushes to her quickly. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck!" She continues to groan on.

Antonio knelt next to her side, mildly panicking, before patting her shoulder lightly. The girl stopped groaning and freezes for a moment. 

"Hey, I'm here to help, okay? Don't be scared." The girl responded with a sigh of relieved.

"Please be careful with this." She tapped the large case she was carrying. 

The case was covered with stickers. There were stickers that had the names of countries, unfamiliar chibi characters, and some that were sort of artistic or too radical for his taste. Antonio thought that whatever was inside this case was important, so he does what the girl asked him to do. 

Once he placed the hard case down gently on the side, he looked at at her with worry. She was looking into his eyes, unfocused (e/c) orbs were having trouble on where to look. She didn't seem sickly pale to him, which he thinks that happens to people who slip on ice. Her hands were moving earlier meaning she wasn't paralyzed on something.

"Are you alright, miss?" His emerald green eyes seemed to bring color to the streets besides the obnoxious case she was bringing.

"Yeah, I guess? " She was so not flirting in this situation. "I don't think I hit my head."

The strange girl laid still after that. Somehow, looking into those eyes made her feel like writing again. A storm of words crashed into her mind in attempt to describe those emerald green eyes. Comparing them to a stone didn't felt quite right, she couldn't just compare them to an object with colors. As cliche as it sounds, Antonio just stole her breath away from that one look. Having a crush wasn't new to her, but having a crush on someone who is staring right into her eyes? That's a whole different story. She could never look into the eyes of her previous crushes, except for that one time where she was pissed at one during high school because they were paired up for a project and he didn't do shit. Like, dude, really?

She took a deep breath and gathered her strength to sit up. Her vision was alright, but that landing on her back made her feel like a grandma. She was glad that her keyboard was fine.

"Okay, I feel like my grandmother." The girl stretched a bit and heard her bones pop. It didn't hurt, it actually lessened the pain.

The strange girl let out a laugh and shook her head. Relief washed over Antonio as soon as he heard her laugh, and at the same time found it adorable. Not that he found her accident funny, but he found her comeback from that accident heartwarming. She didn't complain about it, or even acknowledged the pain very well. It just makes him want to wrap her around a blanket and give her some hot chocolate or coffee. 

"Let me help you up." Antonio carefully helps her gain her balance. 

"Thanks," The girl giggled, "I'm probably late for my gig."

"A gig?" Antonio raised an eyebrow with interest. 

"Yeah, and I'm kinda lost as well." The girl scratched her head and took out a damp piece of paper from her back pocket. "I'm looking for this place called Le Petit Amour? Did I get that right? Ah shit, the writing's all smudged."

"Actually," Antonio started, "I just came from that cafe. Do you want me to show you the way?"

"Uhhh..." The girl stood awkwardly, not really sure if she should accept it or not.

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