Chapter 5- Family Issues

Start from the beginning

Russia: Don't worry about it! I miss him but death is a fact of life, it's the most natural thing in the world. Also, I have to stay strong for my siblings...

America: Can't Ukraine take care of them?

Russia: Yes but she gets annoyed easily and will most likely let them figure things out of their own. And taking care of them now is, even more of a challenge ever since we found out Kazakhstan has wings. He's constantly trying to fly even though I told him that he has to wait until his wings can hold his own body weight.

America: hehe! Yeah... I think Poland has wings and she still can't fly after five years!

Russia: Ikr... anyway... I gtg. Belarus needs help with her homework.

America: Alright, see ya later Ruski.

Russia: Ugh! You know I don't like that!

America: Ha! See ya later anyway...

Ame sat his phone on his nightstand and began to study, but he could focus. He couldn't get the thought of Russia out of his head. The Russian had been so kind to him, he was the only real friend America had.

(Time skip!)

America wobbled down the stairs and sat down at the dinner table, France noticed his tired state.

"Are you alright chère?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine. I guess I'm a little tired from studying so hard..." America put on a small smile.

"See I told you that you were working him too hard!" France turned to Britain who was sitting across from her.

"Honey he's fine. I work Aussie and Canada the same way..." Britain looked up from his plate and glanced at America, "What are you learning in social studies?" Ame rolled his eyes, 'I hate having these conversations at the table... especially with my siblings here,' America thought. Britain saw America's hesitation as an "I don't know."

"Are you paying attention in class?" Britain asked sternly. Ame looked up from his thoughtful state.

"Of course!" He protested.

"Then what are you learning in class?" Brit repeated. 'I might as well bring up a topic he won't like...' America thought smirking.

"Well... we're learning about the Revolutionary War and how you-" Britain cut him off,

"Anyway! Canada how was your day?"

"It was pretty good actually!" Maple paused and began to blush, "Uh... m-mom... dad... can I go out with Ukraine tomorrow?"

"She asked you out mate?" Australia butted in.

"N-No... I asked her out..."

"Oooo! You making money moves?!" Aussie laid his elbow on Canada's shoulder.

"I think you're hanging around Jamaica too much..." Maple raised one eyebrow pushing Australia away.

"Well, you can go out with her tomorrow. You've derived it! And eventually, I do want some grandbabies!" France's voice was filled with excitement. Canada's face turned red with blush,

"M-MOM! I-IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" He stuttered. America, Australia, and New Zealand burst out laughing. Britain put his hand up for silence,

"It is good that you have found someone that you like. I will also allow you to go out with Ukraine tomorrow. I have met her a few times before and she is a kind and loving young lady." Brit then turned to America, "See America... even your younger brother has found a girlfriend before you. I suggest you should find one too, you need someone to take care of you when you've finally moved out."

"Dad are you serious?" Ame scoffed, 'Pft... If only he knew...' America thought getting up from the table, "I'm full anyway..."

"Aww, America don't let dad make you feel uncomfortable like that! You barely ate!" New Zealand told him.

"Nah... I'm not that hungry and I have more homework to do anyway." America smiled at her, Kiwi was always able to make him feel better.

"High School must be hard... We hardly get homework in Middle School!" Australia butted in. Ame nodded before turning away and going up the stairs into his room. America thought Russia was done helping Belarus by now. He grabbed his phone and called Russia, he picked up almost immediately.

"Hey, Ame..." The Russian sounded exhausted and he was panting.

"Are you alright? You sound tired..." America asked.

"Y-Yeah... Kazakhstan almost jumped off the roof trying to fly again. After he jumped and I grabbed him, it took me 30 minutes to pull him back up to the roof..." Rus explained. Ame chuckled,

"At least he didn't fall... You're a good brother, I would surely love to have you as my brother."

"Oh please! You'd complain about me being too overprotective. Because... well... I kind of am," Russia admitted.

"Well, I've still got lots of homework to do so see ya later Ruski," America teased. He heard Russia groan in annoyance before Rus hung up. 

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