I think of walking straight to the parking lot and drive to cool off but I have responsibilities. I have an important test next period which I can't afford to miss or fail. With that thought I walk straight to the Credential. Lucky me I don't have next period with Evernly.

What are you doing to me woman. I groan.

People think because our families are billionaires we have it easy. Sure we do have money but that's just one of the material things we own. We don't have it easy at all. My life may look easy to some people but it's not. There are lot of expectations I have to fulfill. So many responsibilities.

I'm the heir to a multimillionaire construction yes. But it's more than that. My father is a hard man. I never had a chance to choose for myself, I never had that luxury. Ever since I was born I carried the title over my head. It's a big burden.

Father wants to shape me into a younger version of himself. A ruthless, cruel, emotionless man ruling with an iron fist. He wants to make sure he actually never truly leave the business. But the problem is, I'm not the person he wants me to be.

I have emotions, too much emotions and I can't help but show them all. I'm too caring to become ruthless, I have a soft touch, so I can't rule with an iron fist. Father and I are polar opposite. North and South. Negative and positive. Night and Day.

In this lifestyle you're either an heir or nothing. The person that matters the most in a rich family is the heir. It how it works. If you aren't the heir you amount to nothing. You get no love, no attention, nothing.

I'm not saying the heirs or heiress have it easy. No. The is so much expectations and the pedestal they put us in is too high.

I hear the bell ring taking me out of my destructive thoughts. I groan and stand up. I have a major test and instead of studying I sat here and think. I'm stupid.

I walk to class not ready for this test. At all. I sit and wait for the teacher to arrive. I'm early which surprise everyone. I'm never early, ever. The teacher arrives shortly after and two minutes later Styles casually walks in class with his hands in his pocket.

I'm fucking grateful I don't share this class with Evernly because I couldn't watch them together any longer. I would die.

"You're late again." Ms Cowell states. I don't know why she bothers anymore. We do as we please around here with no consequences.

Harry walks past her without aknoledging her. Her face fumes. Poor her she doesn't like being ignored.

"Who told you to sit down?" She snaps and I roll my eyes. Here we go again. It's gets so boring sometime.

Styles doesn't even flinch at the tone of her voice nor does he finally aknoledge her. He continues like no one said a thing. I smirk, this is our thing. We rule this school no one or no teacher can tell us otherwise.

"I'm talking to you. This is my class you do as I say, you hear me." She yells and Styles whip his heard to her direction.

"Jeez woman, I'm here ain't I? Now I believe we have a test to write that I have to ace." He continue to walk and sit right beside me like we always sit everyday.

Angrily Ms Cowell distribute the papers and we begin writing. You can feel Ms Cowell's anger throughout the class. Styles doesn't seem to give a shit about her feelings. It doesn't surprise me one bit. He's a savage. 

To my distaste, lunch break comes way too soon. I shared my this class with non of the group members. I have to walk alone to meet them at Eve's locker.

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