chapter 20

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[??? Pov]

"Hey boss, when are we gonna to get the damn girl?" A shady figure speaks up before looking at his boss who is at the other side of the table.

"Don't worry diamond our plan is already in motion." The dark shadowy figure stands up and walks out of the dark conference room before flipping the lights on revealing 6 shady looking people all with different color schemes. [Only the most evil villains have color schemes]

"So when can i finally kill my great grandchild" i look up towards the second in command demanding a answer to my question.

"Soon I, very soon.." the second in command then walks out leaving the 5 left alone to conversate.

[Izuku's pov after school]

"So, ocha there's someone I want you to meet" i look at ocha to see confusion written on her face.

"Hm? Who might that be zuzu?" Ocha wraps her arm around mine before laying her head on my shoulder as we walk down the road towards the train station.

"Well first i got to tell you what's happening, and i gotta tell you, UA pulled a fast one on me.. or should i say us" i explain as ocha just gives me a even more confused face.

"Okay what did principal nezu wrap us into this time" ocha sighs as we reach the train station.

"So do you remember eri? The girl we saved a while back.." i trail off and look at ocha who nods telling me to continue.

W-well.. principal nezu asked me to be eri's g-guardian.. so basically im a d-dad, and principal nezu w-wanted me to a-ask you if you wanted to b-be her m-mother figure.. i-if you w-want you d-don't have t-to" i look at ocha who starts to pull out her phone. She immediately types furiously before putting to phone to her ear.

"Hey mom your a grandma now, okay bye I gotta go meet my daughter now" ocha hangs up the call before turning to me with a smile on her face.

"Well come on zuzu lets go! I can't wait to meet eri!" Ocha runs up to the train giggling and laughing the whole way. I couldn't help but laugh and smile too.

We board the train and talk about how to improve our quirks and what to do with eri once we get to the hospital. But most importantly we talked about where eri would sleep and what to buy her with the limited money we have. After a long conversation about clothes i felt a buzz come from my pocket telling me i got a text. I open my phone to see that i got a text from all might.


All might: hey young midoriya before you go shopping for young eri come back to school. Principal nezu forgot to give you money for your shopping.

Deku: alright, we're about to pick up eri now so it won't be long. We just reached the stop I'll let you know when we're on our way.


"All might said that nezu forgot to give me money to spend on eri. So we'll need to go back to UA before shopping" i walk off the train with ocha in the direction of a very familiar hospital.

"I can't believe that the last time we were here you were on your death bed" ocha hangs her head low in sadness as we reach the hospital.

"H-hey whats wrong ocha" i pull ocha closer to me to comfort her as she starts crying.

"I-i-i couldn't s-save you, i-if i saved you back there... you would have never died i-if i was faster... i-i tried so hard.. but i still failed.." ocha sobs uncontrollably in my arms as i pull her closer.

"Hey.. ocha.. my death wasn't your fault.. it's that villains fault.. These scars aren't your fault, this autopsy scar is a sign of my defeat yes, but it's also a sign of my rebirth. You're the one who gave me the drive to continue living. That kids quirk that brought me back was a part of it yeah. But i never could have rose from the dead if you weren't here for me here in the world of the living" i give ocha a quick kiss on the forehead before giving her time to think about what i said.

"I-i didn't hear what you said a-after rebirth.. but thank you.. now lets go meet eri, i bet shes waiting" ocha wiped her tears before dragging me towards the hospital where eri's treatment is taking place.

"Yea lets go ocha"

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