chatper 24: Before the raid

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[okay hol up.. Why am i #1 in tokotsu even though there has not been a single tokotsu moment yet??]

[third person pov]
[also 5 dau time skip]

ochaco was staying strong. She had to for eri's sake. If she crumbled eri would soon crumble too after all. Luckily over the past month izuku had helped eri train her quirk when ever he stopped by at the Hospital. That combined with the training Mr. Aizawa helped her with meant she finaly have a good grasp of her quirk. So whenever the villian called diamond would come kick ochaco around for the fun of it eri would be able to heal her. Saddly the same couldn't be said when eri would get teleported at random times to get her blood drawn. Eventually eri would come back with another bandage and tears in her eyes. Yet the one thing that never faltered was eri's smile.

[eri is just the cutest smol bean]
[meanwhile back at the dorms]

The 15 students were all in Hatsume's lab making last minute changes to their hero costumes. Izuku suggested getting trackers that would work on the students new nano suits in which they got from Hatsume as a gift since pros all over the world now use her device. After connecting the tracker to each device they went about adding small things to help with the heat. Izuku decided to up his full gauntlets and combine them with the gauntlets he used before to make a type of gauntlet that could support as many 100% smashes as he'd like all the while allowing him to shoot powerful wind blasts.

After about 2 hours of upgrading and training everyone decided to go to sleep. little did they know they weren't going to get much sleep.

[3:46 a.m. izuku's pov]

*beep beep*


(Mr. Aizawa added deku, ground zero, pinky, red riot, chargebolt, and 10 others)

Mr. Aizawa: we got our call to action get going

read by 15 people


I get up and immediately jump out the window before making a mad dash to the meet up spot where Mr. Aizawa and a few other pros were going to meet for the raid. After a 3 minute sprint i made it to the conference room. Inside the conference room were multiple Heroes most of which i recognize from the chisaki raid. I look around and find a rather large snack bar that fat gum had taken a liking to. After a nice talk with fat gum i hear a familiar voice call out my name.

"izuku! your here!" i look over the see my mom of all people in a hero suit. The weird part being that she grew a foot or to and seems to be the same weight as she was when i was a kid.

"m-mom what are you doing h-here?" i look at fat gum who just looks back at me with that 'are you serious' face before turning around to get more food.

"Im here for the raid obviously, i mean i was there for your retrieval mission so why shouldn't i be here to help today?" my mom looks at me with a smile before getting confused at my confusion.

"No i mean- wait you were at my retrival mission? and don't you need a license to be a hero in the first place?" my mom looks at me before grabbing something out of her pocket and showcasing said thing. I look at the card to see a hero license that seems to expire this may.

"Didn't i tell you i was a top hero back in the day? Maybe i didn't, well that doesn't matter right now, im going to go get some tea so have fun izuku dear" my mom then walks off towards the coffee and tea machines.

'Well that just happened, i wonder why she never told me?'

After a quick talk with myself i decide to sit down in one of the many chairs and wait for the briefing to start. After a few minutes of  waiting the other 14 students find themselves sitting beside me While the most of them sipping the bitter coffee that was made my Mr. Aizawa. 

"alright it seems like everyones here so lets get this started. About 6 days ago ochaco uraraka, and eri were kidnapped right here UA grounds, they were heading to get money from principal nezu when a known villian with a gun related quirk stoped them at the gate. When they got stopped midoriya quickly stepped up to hold the villian off. Naturally uraraka made haste and ran off only to be attacked by monoma who then revealed himself to be the UA traitor. Then both uraraka and eri were teleported away. And now thanks to midoriya we now know their locations." Mr. Aizawa clicks a button that brings up a map of mount Fuji.


Everyone was absolutely silent. No one said a word. It was so quiet you could hear the silent sips of coffee around the room.

"so is no one going to say anything? because if this meeting is over i'd like to get to saving my girlfriend and my daughter." I stand up before suiting up ignoring the puzzled looks i was getting.

"well you heard the kid lets get going" Mr. Aizawa stands up while the other pros stand up one by one. As i reach the doors i feel a hand on my shoulder.

"You really do spark couragement to the rest of the class midoriya, the whole class feels this way. So lets go give hope to those in need, lets be heroes." Iida along with the rest of the heros in training give me a thumbs up. (minus bakuhoe)

"Thanks you guys, But i have to correct you on one thing.." i look into my friends soul before hitting them with a sick one liner.

"Until we get ocha and eri home safely.. the name's deku"

[im hyping myself up for thisss! well next chapter is when everything starts heating up so thats something to look foward to. well you guys have a good day or night! see you next time]

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