chapter 12

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[Back at the dorms third person pov]

Kirishima, bakugo, iida, sero, and jiro slam through the front door with minor cuts and the occasional burn mark. They all pile through the door and sit on the couch in silence to process everything that just happened in the past 3 hours. After a while of silence bakugo speaks up.

"Who knew aunty inko could be such a fucking badass" the rest off the class looks up at the 5 who looked like they got back from hell.

"Yo wait bakubabe, where'd you go of too. You look like shit, and where's midoriya? He said he wouldn't be long" cammie asks making the 5 who went on the flinch.

"Yea, and didn't ochaco-chan go with you guys ribbit" asui askes making the rest of the class perk up.

"Well.. midoribro got kidnapped by the league.. and we're the ones who saved him.. well we just helped, uraraka was the one who really saved him.." kirishima holds his head low as mina sits down next to him to comfort him.

"Im assuming uraraka is in the hospital with midoriya because they're not here. Also whats midoriya's condition?" Todoroki seemingly pops out of nowhere as Yaoyorozu pops out from behind him. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"yea uraraka took a knife to the shoulder while fighting the blonde villain, we all caught a glimpse of her and it was pretty impressive, her hand to hand capabilities rival some pro's, but.. midoriya looked like he was in critical condition.. hopefully he'll pull through" iida explains as the class collectively gets up to go to the hospital.

"Well lets get going. We need to be there for midoriya" todoroki pipes up with Yaoyorozu clinging to his fire side to keep her warm.

The walk to the train station was dead silent. Everyone was worried about their friends who were in the hospital. Mina was especially distraught, she knew how it felt to have the person you love in such a critical condition. She had to fight through the tears when the first time she saw kirishima after his fight with rappa was in a hospital. She didn't know if ochaco could handle that feeling so she wanted to be there for her.

[Ochaco's pov]

I was outside zuzu's hospital room waiting for the clearance to come in when the rest of the class showed up with get well cards and other sorts of things. For some reason mineta brought a melon while others brought things like balloons and somehow kirishima and kamiari got a all might shirt that went out of stock 12 years ago.

After what seems like an hour of waiting we were finally let in too see a sickening scene. I look at the bed to see zuzu stuck in a coma with at least 4 iv's pumping blood and other medicines into him.

"Oh zuzu!" I run up to the bed and gently grab his hand as to not pull out his iv's. I look at inko who is across from me crying her eyes out. I couldn't help but join her.

I hear foot steps behind me and a hand starts to rub my back.

"Don't worry ochaco midoriya is strong.. he'll get through this" i hear mina to my left try to cheer me up. It didn't work.

"O-och-a.. I-i lo-ov-ve... yo-ou..." i feel zuzu hand squeeze mine before he lets go and slumps down. The last thing i saw him do was close his eyes before that dreaded sound ringed in my ears.

*he flatlined*

I hear mina start to cry along with kirishima who started to straight sob from losing a great friend. Iida was so distraught that he had to leave the room before screaming. He didn't care if this was a hospital or not. His best friend just died and he couldn't handle that fact. Bakugo didn't move a muscle, almost like he didn't accept that is rival was gone forever. Toru cried so much that she turned visible somehow while she latched onto ojiro who was shedding small but noticeable tears. Todoroki much like iida couldn't handle the death of the person who saved him from himself but most importantly his best friend just died. And much like iida he walked out of the room and out of the hospital. But that couldn't change anything, we all could hear him from a mile away.

"WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE, HE WAS THE BEST OF US, THIS ISN'T FAIR, AFTER EVERYTHING HE'S DONE FOR EVERYONE, WHY HIM!!!" Todoroki screams from the street heading back to the dorms.

In this very moment all i could do was cry. Inko just started crying harder than she was before. At that very moment doctors rushed in and had to remove us so they could take zuzu to the morgue for an autopsy as well as prepare him for a burial.

The walk home was devastating nobody said a single word. The only sounds that could be heard was the sniffles off those who have calmed down slightly and the sobs of those who were the closest to zuzu.

We all got to the dorms and said our goodbyes to inko who went with all might to his teacher dorms because it was to late for her to go all the way back home. Everyone didn't even say a word before heading to bed. Eventually i was the only one who was still downstairs. I decide its time to head to bed and walk up to my dorm room to cry myself asleep...

[5 days later]
[Ochaco's pov]

The funeral was tough for alot of us. Bakugo hasn't said a single cus word since zuzu died and even mineta has changed. But the most notable thing about the class is how the class has changed from cheery to silence and gloom. Apparently yesterday zuzu's grave exploded and his body disappeared. the police suspect villains stole the body. And even with the major increase in security somhow toga sneaks in and brags about zuzu's death in his body before getting warped away.

"Ochaco-chan class is about to start lets get going ribbit" tsu has been trying to cheer everyone up even by just a little ever since zuzu's death, she hasn't been able to help much which has obviously been upsetting her. But we all appreciate what she's doing.

"Yea i know.. lets get going" i put on a brave face just how zuzu would when something bad happens.

'He may be gone.. but he's forever in our hearts'

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