Yonkers its not a chapter

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[I was supposed to write a bit in 1st hour and i took a huge nap (it was very much needed) so the chapter might not come out until tomorrow because i like to procrastinate per usual. But you never know maybe I'll work extra hard😁 okay have a good day and take naps because they're a great thing to take!]

[Also todobroki smiles!!^^^^]

[Ha just kidding welcome to chapter 10]

[Mina's pov]

"Eijirrrooo! How'd we lose! We're supposed to be the power couple here not them!" I whine in eijro's room while he practices his kicks.

"Well im not sure about them being a couple, but they were both super manly in battle!" Eijiro throws a barrage of punches at the punching bag before swiftly swinging a roundhouse kick to the side of the bag.

"I know what i saw and I'm getting to the bottom of it! Also don't work to hard Eijiro we don't want you to be to sore for training in the morning"  i call out before heading to midoriya's dorm to hear something i wasn't expecting.

"Phase one complete, now we need to get one of them to confess, cammie is out best bet since she isn't always angry. Maybe we could set them up on a blind date or something" I slam open the door and see the two love birds plotting something big. I can tell, mainly because they had at least 20 notebooks sprawled out on the floor with what seems like millions of torn up pieces of paper all around the room.

"So.. what you love birds plotting, and can i be in on it" i smirk and sit down looking at some of their notebooks.

'Holy shit they're way more deep into this than I've ever been..... WHY IS THERE A PLAN INVOLVING ME GOING INTO SPACE!!'

"Uh, hey mina you promise not to tell anyone about our plans, we want everyone to be happy like we are" ochaco sighs and explains all of their plans before shoving me out of the dorm room and quickly shutting it.

I get back to Eijiro's dorm and open the door to see bakugo of all people sitting next to Eijiro.

"Oh hey mina do you mind waiting outside for a bit bakubro is talking about something that he only wants me to hear" Eijiro smiles before i close the door and dart back down too midoriya's dorm. I scribble a quick note saying that bakugo is confining to Eijiro about his feelings before darting back to Eijiro's dorm to wait.

[Izuku's pov]

"Hey ocha seems like ashido got good info for us" i pick up the note before putting it on my desk and hoping back in bed with ocha who was trying to use the force to get me back in bed.

"thats nice zuzu, honestly i figured she'd be useless but shes doing her part i guess, now get back in bed im getting cold" ocha complaines as she tries to use the force again.

I slip back in bed and wrap ocha in my arms before kissing her on the forehead. We lock eyes before slowly moving in for a kiss. Our lips lock for a good minute before we pull away. I open my eyes to see that ocha's already alseep.

'how the heck does she fall asleep so fast'

I turn the lamp off and fall into slumber.

[The next day]
[Izuku's pov]

The whole class was in the common room because we didn't have school today for some odd reason. The rumor going around is that Hatsume blew up a large portion of the bottom floor of the main campus. Since we had the day off we decided make a karaoke machine (kudos to Yaoyorozu) and mess around all day. I feel a buzz in my pocket leting me know i got a text. I look at my phone to see all mights contact number.

'I wonder why he needs to see me all of a sudden'

"hey guys I'll be back in a little while, i have something urgent to do" i stand up and walk out the door.

"Nice seeing you here my one and only izuuku" the sadistic voice called out from behind me.

"Who's ther-" the next thing i see is a blond girl and a purple portal.

[Yeaaa shorter chapter today im sorrys😬 but since todays chapter was so short I'll make the next chapters filled with extra
P L O T. so I'll have fun with that. But on to the issue at hand. Whats goina happen to our green boi??!

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